This is my real problem for the ranting, this driver. Using your cell phone is bad enough while driving in a very high pedestrian populated town, but drugs or alcohol. First of all, its illegal EVERYWHERE to drive talking or texting on your phone, and its stupid. And drugs and alcohol behind the wheel of a car or any piece of machinery for that matter is most definitely a death sentence. And plus the fact that the driver never even went over while this girl was laying on the ground to show any concern. Does this person not have any compassion? I'm really irked by this if you can't tell and I'm sorry about all of the ranting, but this is very upsetting to know that some this tragic could happen so close to home. I live in this town, I take Brenden on walks here, where the park is over a mile away. I cross a lot of these streets with Brenden in a stroller. I find this really scary. Do I get the exercise I want and need or drive to the park out of fear of being hit by someone on their cell phone. I walk, because I can't live my life in fear, but this is my child and now a paranoia that I'll face everyday that I go to the park.
I ask everyone to please pray for this girl and that she may have a speedy recovery. And also pray for this driver that they may be able to realize the damage that they have caused and be able to change their ways of driving.
So guess what? Yes, I have another story. And yes, it has to do with more ignorant drivers. I was actually in a mini car accident today. Now worries, no damage, just frustration, I guess that is a damage of some kind. I was driving to the store today. I had to make a quick run because we had no buns for the hot dogs and Chris wanted some chips. So off to the store I go. I'm on my way to the store on the street next to campus, we call it 100 west. If you know where it is, great! If not, then, its just next to campus and we can move on anyways. But I am stopped at the stop sign next to the Hart Building and see this guy running out to his car and get in. By the time he had gotten into his car I had made it passed the stop sign. So he gets into his car and backs out like there is no time in the world and guess who he backs into. There is really nothing you can do or no where you can go when someone backs into you believe me. And I was going less than 20 miles an hour. Yes, I know I'm a Sunday driver and I'm okay with that, it keeps my baby safe. I'm lucky too because of it. If I was going any faster there probably would have been damage to our cars since this guy had gone from 0mph-50mph in less than 4 seconds. I'm so glad that there was no damage, but guy, please drive safer and think about the ones around you. If you're five minutes late for your date, its really not a deal breakers and if you get into an accident you're going to be late anyways.
This is the end of my rantings for tonight other than I can not believe that it's already July. Where the heck did June go! I realize that we were gone for a few months, but I really thought it would be around for a few more days that I could enjoy. C'est La Vie.
Good Night World!
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