August 22, 2012

38 weeks!

This is from Saturday, so enjoy.

Countdown: 1 week, 3 days

It just keeps getting closer and closer and each passing day just seems to be getting shorter and shorter and I keep thinking to myself, am I ready for this? Am I ready to bring a new born baby into this mess of packing I have made? I just don't know. I'm just really nervous that she will come before I have finished the declutter stage of packing. Ack! I need some longer days and a much needed babysitter for Brenden! I am going to crazy. But, I can say that the hospital bag is officially packed! Yes! But, sadly I will have to pack a bag for Brenden, I'm sure that will be much easier though.

I had my 38-week appointment with Dr. Jones today. As with all of my other appointments, it went super well. My non-stress test was a success with no contractions yet and a very active baby. I had no blood, glucose, or protein in my urine. I've past that stage in pregnancy where I am no longer gaining weight, my blood pressure was right on, and I have no swelling. Things couldn't be going any easier and better. I was checked for dilation and am dilated to 1 cm, which is good progress, we'll see how far I can dilate before the next appointment. I also had my membranes swept this morning, no progress yet, but I have hope.

Starting Saturday, if I want I can be induced. Which frankly is the last thing that I want. Maybe, if my mom was going to be in town on a set date before the due date I would consider it, but that's not the case. My mom probably won't be coming down until Labor Day weekend, which I'm hoping baby will be here by then.

So, that's our fun little update on baby. Hope you enjoyed!

August 13, 2012

Countdown: 2 weeks, 5 days!

Yep, if this baby decides to be on time unlike Brenden, we've got less than 3 weeks to prepare! Yikes! I can't even believe it. But we've still got a long road ahead of us, with having to pack everything up to get it into our storage unit that we haven't even picked out yet. Talk about being a little bit stressed out. We started out last night by packing up one of our bookshelves. I know it wasn't much, but it made me feel accomplished for the evening. We're not planning on moving out to Idaho Falls until the weekend of September 22nd, so we've still got awhile to be packing up depending on when baby girl decides to grace us with her presence.

Week 37 Update: Contractions and much much more contractions! I have been having contractions since early Saturday morning, but I'm not getting to excited about it yet. I remember having contractions with Brenden for 2 weeks before he was born. Lame, I know. I started timing them on Saturday with this little handy contraction timer on my phone. I just press a button on my home screen when it starts and stops and it collects all the information for me. How far apart are they, and how long do they last. They were about 7 minutes apart at about 40 seconds long, and then I went to sleep Saturday night and haven't had any since.

So disheartening. But I am so not ready to bring a little baby home yet. I don't even have my hospital bag packed yet. I also want to get a lot of things into the storage unit before she comes, which means that we need to rent one, and get to packing more boxes. There are very few things that I want to take to the Idaho Falls apartment. That's another thing, we need to find an apartment out there and fast! We're calling a place today, sure it's only a one bedroom, but I think it will be okay for 3 months. It will be so nice for Chris to be only ten minutes away from work instead of 45. I am so willing to sacrifice space for time, especially with a brand new baby.

Well, I better get to packing, if anyone wants to join the super pregnant lady in this packing fiasco, let me know!

36 weeks, 2 days.

Sorry this is a late posting, but here it is!

August 09, 2012

New in the Freeman Household!

Nope, no baby, not quite yet anyways. Chris has decided to take a few semesters off from school. With a baby coming, and Chris having to currently work 2 jobs to support us, school has just been suffering for the last few semesters. Hopefully taking some time off will help him relax and get back into school mode.

We've decided that we'll need to move to Idaho Falls to save on gas and rent. So until December we'll be living in Idaho Falls. We want to find a place relatively soon so that we can move out there right after the baby is born.

After Christmas we'll be moving to Washington D.C. until September of 2013 when we come back for Chris to finish up his last few semesters of school.

So that's our little update on where we'll be for the next year!

As far as baby goes, no signs of any kind of labor so far, which I think is fantastic!