July 02, 2011

How I use Facebook

When Facebook first came out it was a social networking site for people in college. I first started using Facebook when I was a senior in high school. Close enough right? Well I thought so at the time. As my senior year went on I really didn't use Facebook really at all. I went to a community college not to far from home the following semester and it was a great resource. I was able to keep in touch with people from high school and people in some of my classes. It was pretty awesome.

How I use it now???

I mostly use to it keep in close contact with friends and family. The only people in my family that don't have Facebook are my Dad, and my little brother whose turning 8 next week. My dad just got a phone that has texting capabilities in probably the last year, so hopefully you can see why he doesn't have Facebook. He just finds it to be a waste of time. Honestly sometimes I would have to agree with him.

I love being able to keep in contact with everyone so easily. To see videos and pictures of people where otherwise I never really would. I'm a Facebook stalker, I can admit it. I love seeing pictures of all of my friends and their families and my family. Its great. I love when my mom posts pictures of my little brothers. I really love it when my brother posts pictures of my niece. I don't cry in movies, but I do when I see pictures of her. She is just so darling. I wish I was able to see her more often. I don't even know when the next time I will be able to see her will be.

Back to Facebook. My cousin Jared, the one we went to go see in California a few weeks ago. He kind of goes back and forth between using Facebook and not using Facebook because it's such a waste of time. He just recently got back onto Facebook. And we're talking super recent, as in, yesterday. Well he announced that he was back on and was just on all day from what I can tell. Talking about how much of a waste of time it was. I totally agree with it being a waste of time. I spend most of my day on Facebook. The webpage is usually up as it is now. Its honestly easier to get a hold of me through Facebook than it is through my phone, mostly because I lose my phone everyday.

The most important thing to remember about Facebook is that everyone can see it. So be safe, and limit what goes on and limit who can see it. Also that Facebook is only a time waster if you let yourself waste your own time. If you're wasting your time on Facebook you could really be wasting your time doing anything.


1 comment:

  1. One... I love you. Two... I love your blog! Three... I totally agree with this blog. The only reason I'm on today is cause I'm filling out an application! WOOT WOOT! Miss you dear!
