So, I've decided that my latest idea of 100 blog topics is ridiculous. None of the ideas I would ever really write about other than it being a challenge. So here's a shorter, more me list. So look forward to hearing or rather reading about these.
1. write about a pet peeve
2. discuss a beautiful piece of art
3. display a great photograph you took
4. do a recipe post
5. have a giveaway contest
6. show off something you created
7. do a book review
8. discuss your fashion obsession
9. reveal an embarrassing moment
10. crack yourself up
11. write a (really bad) poem
12. write a story about work
13. make a bucket list
14. discuss current events
15. blog about a new word you learned
16. write an open letter to someone famous
17. do a rant about something that annoys you
18. discuss a famous quote/poem you love
19. show off something you've gotten published
20. discuss your favorite music
21. talk about what you did today
22. do a how-to post
23. blog about your favorite TV show
24. write a funny story about a family member or friend
25. write a post about writing posts (like this one! heehee...)
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