July 13, 2011


I'm going to use this blog post just to rant just because I can. No names, mostly because there is no one in particular I'm peeved with. I just got thinking, it really bugs me and hurts my feelings when people think they are so much better than me to the point that they feel that they have to correct every little thing I say. I mean come on guys, we're all here to learn from each other and to experience the gifts of life. We're not here to be shovenous and down right rude. I see this every day and it is really bothersome. I'm really not even really talking about this happening to myself, even though it does, mostly I'm talking about having to watch it. I know, don't look, right? Well, that's much easier said than done. It's sad to see people hurt other people's feelings in the most arrogant of ways. I realize that not everyone can know everything, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only one that knows that. And I'm not claiming that I don't do the same thing, I promise, I really try not to. I've just been seeing this more and more lately. I see this with a friend of mine almost everyday. They're just under this delusion that they know everything and can not possibly be wrong. And when they are they will argue it to the death and then cry about it. All I can say is, humble yourself. I can admit that I don't know everything and I can admit when I'm wrong, for the most part at least. I have a very stubborn personality. One thing I have learned since being married is that it is more important to save face and show love to the people around us and not hurt their feelings than it is to be right. What is it to be right all of the time anyways? What do we get out of it? I mean, if we're always right and know everything, we can't really progress into anything because we're already the best. Now, I know I'm not the best nor have I met anyone who I think is the best. I can always find someone better. And that's not to say anything bad about anyone. It's saying none of us are perfect and we're continually growing and progressing to our goal to be the best that we can be. If you think you're the best that you can be, then why are you still here? If you're the best that you can be you no longer have a purpose on this Earth. I love learning new things and I know that I learn something new every single day and I love it! I love learning new things and being corrected so that I know what the right thing is. I don't enjoy being slaughtered by friends or watching this happen to other people. We are better than that. We have agency, righteousness, and a kindnesss in our hearts that no other species have. We have a sense of humbleness though hard to achieve, but it's the best of any personality trait we could bear. Get along and teach with love. This is all.

1 comment:

  1. :/ that's too bad, sorry you have to see this happen so often
