July 22, 2011


One of my greatest friends here in Rexburg graduated today and I couldn't be happier for her. Sara, you've done an amazing job, and now we have even more play time!! I'm just really excited that she can be done with school forever! She can move on with life and get onto the next step. People who have graduated from college just seem so much more put together than Chris and I are. They know what they want to do with life, they know where they're headed, they have a ton of wisdom from dealing with classmates and awful deadlines, and they get to choose from so many different opportunities.

I'm so excited for all of our friends that have graduated and that have graduated today. Way to go!

I'm also really excited for Chris to graduate. He won't be graduating probably until December of 2012, but it is well worth the wait. I am really loving life here in Rexburg. It's been so much fun since we've been back last summer. We've got the chance to catch up with old friends, meet new friends, and watch friends move on with life. It's great to be able to see all of our friends progess and reach so many of their goals. Its really all possible because of facebook and blogs. I think it's great!

Once Chris graduates the hope is that we'll be going back to Seattle, but we would also love to live in Boise for a few years. We would really settle in any place in the Northwest. Washington, Oregon, Idaho, or possibly Utah. We went through St. George on the way home from California last month and it was so pretty. I don't know if I would like to live there, but I would be willing to give it a try. I'll be excited to be moving on with life.

Well for now, Frankie time!


  1. HEHE! YAY! I LOVE LOVE LOVE FRANKIE TIME!!!!!!! I can't wait until I can visit ya'll again! You are probably most definitely my FAVORITE couple in Rexburg! I love coming up there just to see you and now play with Brenden! :-D Love ya'll LOADS!!!! :D
