June 30, 2011

Brenden's Videos

Brenden talking to his Mommy.

Brenden Rolling Over

Brenden has been talking to himself and rolling over for awhile now, we just figured we'd get it on video so that everyone else could see. Brenden does this thing where we'll be so excited to show him off to everyone else, but when the time comes when people are over he just freezes and won't really do anything other than just lay there on the floor. Camera shy? No, not really. Maybe just people shy. But here it is for everyone far, far away, and all of our friends that come over and Brenden has decided not to show off for. Hope you enjoy!


  1. HAHA! That is so awesome! He is so cute!
    Dallin has just started to roll over and he hates being put on his stomach! He will just grunt and cry and then he will finally roll over and calm down!

  2. Brenden likes being on the floor for the most part. The funny part is if he does get upset on his tummy on the floor he usually just falls asleep soon after. Dallin is so dang cute and getting so big, I just can't get over it. Hah a.
