June 07, 2011

Ramblings of this Week!

So Chris and I have decided, although we found an apartment that we like love love we're going to stay in our apartment here in Rexburg until we absolutely have to move. So just a hint to everyone out there, when we tell you that we're for sure moving it just means we're pregnant again. Ha ha. We realized while looking at apartments this last week that in our current lease it says that we can only have a total of 3 people living in our apartment at one time. And this includes 2 adults, and 1 child. For me that seems kind of silly. I mean Brenden hardly takes up any room at all. Although all of his things take up a bum load of space! Its kind of ridiculous how much space his little things take up.

So here's a couple photos of the apartment we looked at just so you can see how really great it is!

Here's the living room. Its very big. Its about the size of our current living room and kitchen combined. We would of had to put our kitchen table in the left corner because there wouldn't be enough room in the kitchen.

This is another view of the living room. It has a fireplace!

Here is the kitchen. There is no way possible a kitchen table would fit in here so that was a little draw back for me.

Our kitchen table would fit nicely in this space here. Kind of like a breakfast nook.

Here is one of the bathrooms. Its so much bigger than the one we have now.

I didn't get any pictures of the bedrooms, but the smallest of the bedrooms is still bigger than the bedroom that we have now. So when we find out that we're having a second baby we will definitely be keeping this place in mind and hopefully they'll have something open for us! 


  1. All you have to do is tell them you're pregnant and they'll add another person to the allowed amount. By code, you can't have more than two adults and two children. The reason they put a number in the lease is to prevent extended-stay visitors that are a liability and not covered in the lease.

  2. Well on our lease it used to be 4 people, but they just recently changed it so we can only have 3. I've talked to them about it and they said just to let them know when we'll need to be moving so it doesn't sound like they're going to be budging on their 3 people rule.
