June 08, 2011

Party Time!

Today Chris has the day off and its looking pretty gorgeous outside. So as soon as he takes a shower, we're going outside, hopefully ALL day long! I just love it outside. Brenden has already got his sunscreen on and he is ready for it! He has been pretty happy all morning today. As long as he is fed and has a clean diaper life is good for this baby. I can't believe he is already 4 months old. Wow, how time just flies by. It's incredible. He's growing up so fast. He's awake so much, he's eating real food, he talks all day long, (ok he only babbles, and mostly to himself) he knows who I am, he smiles at me all day long, he's playing with toys, I can do things to make him laugh, he expresses things that he doesn't like. There are just so many things that he does that just weren't there a couple of weeks ago. And its great and sad at the same time. Its great that he's growing and progressing, but I'm the sad mommy that's baby is just growing way too fast. I know I'm a little pathetic.

On the brighter side of things, we are going to have a fantastic day! We're going to spend the day loving the sun, have dinner at Craigo's with our best friends, Mike and Melanie. Its going to be an awesome day!

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