June 28, 2011


I found the camera so we're ready for pictures and story time. I'm horrible about playing catch up. I finally found one of the cameras, it was left in the stroller from vacation. I had found Chris' video camera the other day, we found it in the washer. OOOPS! I put it in some rice, I just haven't tried to turn it on yet, hopefully it does work when we turn it on.

So this post is going to be about the trip down to California and our trip to Pharaoh's, its a water park in San Bernardino.

So get ready...

Brenden getting some shut eye before the big trip.

A picture of Vegas as night from about 5 miles away from the strip.

A hotel off of the strip in Las Vegas. We thought it was fitting since we've got some friends living in Main Street Station Apartments in Rexburg. Ha ha.

This is the Bellagio. Chris and I stayed here for a few days of our honeymoon. Best hotel I have ever stayed in.

Brenden waking up, telling mommy its time for some eats.

Brenden before he got all messy.

 Brenden eating. We found this awesome bottle/spoon combo before we left. It's really the best invention I've seen for babies. You just squeeze and his food comes out onto the spoon.

Brenden is so happy. Good thing we're almost to San Bernardino!

Chris and Brenden at Pharaoh's. Brenden had gotten a TON of sun.

Car ride back to Cousin Jared's from Pharaoh's. He was kind of in a daze the whole way back.

So mysterious with his popped collar.

My baby is such a thumb sucker and I think it's CUTE!

And again, I'll post some more pictures of out time in California when Chris' camera is up and running. Sorry the trip down was so boring, it was dark almost the whole way.

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