Being outside. I love it outside and I want to be out there every day almost all day long. Its just not possible. Between the weather and having a little baby it's just not okay to for me to be outside everyday. But I love love it outside! I would be out there all of the time!
One of the greatest things a Father can do for his Children is to love their Mother.
May 30, 2011
Day 22 of Me
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Being my own person makes me different from everyone else. From the experiences I have gone through, to the family that I cherish, to most importantly my beliefs make me different! My life changes every day and as my life changes I view the world differently and it changes who I am. I have been through a lot of experiences in my life, good and bad that have changed my outlook on life and have made me a better person. Every experience I go through continues to change my perspective and make me a better person. Every experience gives me that much more knowledge to help me teach others. My family is very important to me and their personalities and beliefs are so prevalent in who I am. I love my family and I just can't say that enough. And most importantly, what I, myself believe in makes me different. I believe in everything good.
I believe in God, the Eternal Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and listens to me and everything that I need. I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ loved and died for me. For me specifically he has done so much. He has felt every single pain, accomplishment, and good thing I have ever known. I know that I can have the Holy Spirit with me every day, and I know as I continue to do what is good, it will continue to be with me and bless me. I know with all of these things everything that I could ever imagine is possible through them. I am so blessed.
I am my own person and continue to grow and improve myself everyday.
Day 21 of Me
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

This is my beautiful baby and he makes me so happy, words could not even describe it. He is such a wonderful and is growing into such a great little boy. I know that everyone sees him as this cute little baby, but I get to see him grow and transform every single day, so in my mind he's getting to that little boy stage. But in my heart, he'll always be my little baby. He makes me so happy and its hard to be frustrated with him since he's started smiling and giggling. He's so smart, its like he knows when I'm about to get upset with him so he just starts grinning at me. Its really wonderful. And to think that I get to spend every day with him, playing with him, watching him, feeding him, and watching him grow! Being a mommy to this little angel makes me the happiest I have ever been.
Day 20 of Me
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Being married for almost 2 fabulous years now, I find this a very odd blogging challenge. Chris and I celebrate our 2 year anniversary in less than a month. Wow, how time flies, especially while you're pregnant. While I was pregnant with Brenden and since having him, I just feel like my focus has been on him. Although I feel really guilty because my focus should have been on my whole family, not just the baby in my tummy. I love all of my family, and that is my focus now.
So I have decided that for this blog post, I'm going to go a little bit off course and share our Love Story. So here goes. Here is the greatest love story ever!
I was baptized into Chris home ward in March of 2007, Chris had left on his mission about 5 months before that. We did go to the same high school, but never met each other, Chris is a few years older than I am. The following Christmas I decided that I wanted to write all of the missionaries for Christmas, and my lovely husband happened to be one out of 14 missionaries. He constantly tells me and everyone else that when I wrote him he figured I was just a miamaid writing the missionaries for Christmas. He was only half right, I was writing the missionaries for Christmas, but a lot older than he thought. He wrote me a letter back just to be nice, but once he found out I was 18, he was a lot more interested. We started to write more and more and we ended up writing each other for the last almost year of his mission.
I remember there being a point where I felt like Chris was writing me too often. He was writing me letters and emailing me every single week. I felt like I was too big of a distraction for him, so I stopped writing him all together. I don't think Chris took it all too well. He says that all that time, he thought that I had lost interest in him, found him annoying, or had found someone else, or possibly getting married. Definitely not the case, but it kind of turned him to be a little pathetic, or so I hear. So we started writing again, and a few months later, Chris was coming home.
When Chris "came home" from his mission, he went to England, since his parents fled the country when he went on his mission. Chris spent 3 months in England before he came back stateside. When he came back he had about a week in Seattle before he went back to school here in Rexburg. We went on a date almost every single day he was in town. Love at first sight, right? Maybe.
Chris came back here to Idaho for school and I stayed in Seattle. Chris would come out to Seattle, well probably once a month. It was great! We were engaged within the next month and a half. Crazy that it was so fast? That's exactly what his parents thought. My parents were all for it. They had fell in love with him the moment they met him. And granted my parents knew Chris a lot better than Chris' parents knew me. They were still in England!
We spent 4 months being engaged and were married in the Las Vegas Temple June 27, 2009! And in a few short weeks we will be spending our 2 year anniversary together!! Woohoo for being married to the man of my dreams!
May 28, 2011
Day 19 of Me
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Honestly, I don't really have many nicknames at all. But surprise, surprise, Sadie is a nickname. Now who can guess what my name really is, Ha ha. I'm realizing, that I am quite boring when it comes to nicknames, Chris has given me a few since we've been married. And yes, they are definitely the mushy, ooey gooey kind. Like hunnybun, lover muffin, love bug, and daz. And Daz is really the only one I feel really needs any explaining at all.
Daz came from Chris, as he says, he was just amazed with my eyes when he saw pictures and especially when we first met. Kind of corny, I think , but then again, I kind of like it. Even though, he hardly ever calls me Daz anymore, I'm really surprised that its one that he brought it up tonight when I had asked him. I had forgotten about it long ago.
May 24, 2011
Day 18 of Me
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Have more children
Own our own house someday
Home-school our children
Bring our children up in knowledge of the gospel
Live in a great ward with children the same age as our own
Be a stay at home mommy
For Chris to have a wonderful job
Get out of Rexburg
Spend a few years living in Boise saving money
See my children graduate and serve missions
Become a master quilter
Learn more about crafting
Learn more recipes that my family loves
Learn how to make my own baby food
Become a better mother
Make baby clothes
Throw the best birthday parties ever!
Save money
Become a pro coupon-clipper
Day 17 of Me
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Honestly, I wouldn't want to switch lives with anyone, even for a day. I have the perfect life for me and its great. I know that I go on and on about my family, but its not only the people in my life, its how I feel about all of those magnificent people, where we live, Chris going to school, having a great job, and the spirit I feel every day. If I were to switch lives with someone, even for a day I would be to afraid that all of that would go away forever.
I love the City of Rexburg. I love living here, even though I rant about cabin fever and just wanting to get out, but every single time I do I find myself feeling home sick and just wanting to come back. I love it! I love our ward, the people around us, having everything so close, I love it all. We have some wonderful friends here in Rexburg, and with the semesters and having everyone graduating our friends are constantly changing and we're always making new friends. It makes me feel really good inside. A lot of the time it'll be people who are in our ward, and they've been in our ward for awhile, but it seems like as the semesters change and new people come in we really start to notice the people who have been here for awhile. There aren't many people who have been here longer than us so we're really starting to make some good friends. Its great. I love it here in Rexburg.
I love that Chris has something to do all the time between helping me keep the house clean, taking care of Brenden and going to work. He really loves his job, and he loves helping people. He gets a little worn out and tired by some of the people he works with, but thats to be expected. A lot of the time they just don't see the same issue the same way and that's okay. Chris loves going to work and telling people about the latest and greatest cell phones. Even though we don't always have the latest and greatest when it comes to cell phones its really nice to have Chris come home and tell me all about them. And sometimes I just don't want to here about cell phones.
As for Brenden and I, we just love hanging out together. Snuggling, going for walks out in the sun, just sitting outside. He's started giggling so much within the last week or so. And I love it! We love it here in Rexburg and its a great place for our little family right now.
Day 15 of Me
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Caspar Baby Pants- Small Black Ant
Colbie Caillat- Kiss the Girl
Rascal Flatts- Waiting all my Life
Taylor Swift- Fifteen
Lion King- Can you Feel the Love Tonight
Little Mermaid- Under the Sea
Rascal Flatts- I melt
Celine Dion- Beauty and the Beast
Anastasia- Once upon a December
Caspar Baby Pants- Free like a Bird
May 19, 2011
Day 13 of Me
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently.
I don't know how I feel about today's topic. Especially being my hubby's birthday. Writing a letter and posting it on a blog can being very hurtful no matter what the reason you're doing. So I think instead, today I will talk about hurt feelings and social networks. Social Networks is a lot like texting that respect. There is no mood in any text other than what's there. And usually what happens is people try to "read in between the lines," they end up assuming many things that are incorrect, and that's where all the problems of today start. People don't take into consideration that the person you're righting about might end up seeing it. Whether you blog about it, post it on Facebook or twitter. Its going to get around and someone is going to get hurt. I have a story to illustrate this, I just won't name any names. Actually, lets call them Ward and June.
Once upon a time Ward and June got married in a beautiful Temple of our loving Heavenly Father. They had a lovely honeymoon and started married life out to a tremendously. A few months after being married they had decided to go back to school. They had to travel many miles and it took a few days to get there. When they finally got there they had a lovely quaint little apartment all to themselves. They were so happy and just loved life and loved the people they were surrounded with, until one day. One day Ward and June were on a social networking site and realized that someone they were surrounded by didn't share their love. I won't go into any details at all, but what was said was very intimate in a very rude way. It was very upsetting to our dear Ward and June and I feel for them.
They are great friends of ours. I'm saddened that things that are put online can hurt people so badly. Not only does it hurt feelings, but it causes unnecessary contention. We don't want contention with those who we live around and are supposed to serve with love and support. This makes me wonder what people have said about me online and possibly what I've said about other people with out even realizing it. That's the worst part, not even comprehending that these things being said is a really bad thing.
So this is my hurtful letter for the day. Just a story I have heard this past week that meant a lot to me and I could make a connection with. So fellow people on the web, be careful in what you say about others!
May 18, 2011
Day 12 of Me
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
I found out about blogger from a bunch of friends. It seemed like almost everyone I knew in our married ward had a blog and would talk about life and family. I thought it was pretty great. Chris and I decided that we should have a blog and should keep it up to date with everything going on with our lives. Its a great way to let everyone know what's going on in our lives with out having to post on facebook every 20 minutes.very much like a journal for everyone to see.
When I started blogging it was really exciting and I would bog everyday, but as our lives kept getting busier and busier it got really hard to keep up with it. And now with this challenge its gotten a lot easier. I'm kind of back into the swing of things so I'm hoping once the 30 day challenge is over with I'll be able to keep up with it often. I'm not saying I'll be online blogging everyday, but hopefully a few times a week.
I think blogging is a great thing and I love reading about all of our friends lives. Keep it going!
I found out about blogger from a bunch of friends. It seemed like almost everyone I knew in our married ward had a blog and would talk about life and family. I thought it was pretty great. Chris and I decided that we should have a blog and should keep it up to date with everything going on with our lives. Its a great way to let everyone know what's going on in our lives with out having to post on facebook every 20 minutes.very much like a journal for everyone to see.
When I started blogging it was really exciting and I would bog everyday, but as our lives kept getting busier and busier it got really hard to keep up with it. And now with this challenge its gotten a lot easier. I'm kind of back into the swing of things so I'm hoping once the 30 day challenge is over with I'll be able to keep up with it often. I'm not saying I'll be online blogging everyday, but hopefully a few times a week.
I think blogging is a great thing and I love reading about all of our friends lives. Keep it going!
Day 11 of Me
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends.
This was back in February at Brenden's baby blessing. We were so happy that everyone was able to make it, especially Chris' family. They came all the out from St. Louis. I remember having so much fun with everyone that day. We had to wake up early and make sure we had enough time to feed Brenden and give him a bath and get him ready. Then we had to get ready ourselves. Brenden was blessed, we stayed afterwards for pictures and headed home with everyone and had lunch and hung out all afternoon loud. It was great. We had some friends over that made us all lunch. Very pampered Sunday afternoon. I'm very thankful for all of the friends we have here in Rexburg!
May 17, 2011
Cloth Diapers
I have really been thinking about cloth diapers lately and feeling like we should really get on the band wagon with this. Although in my mind they're so expensive. But when I get to really thinking about it, Chris and I spend at least $35 a month on disposables. It sounds like cloth diapers have come a really long way and I am very interested now. I think since Chris and I have a stock of disposables we'll wait until those are gone and start saving up to go into the cloth diapers. I've always been kind of disgusted with cloth diapers and having to wash them and having to deal with all of that, but now that Brenden is getting a little older for some reason I'm just not as much turned away from them.
I don't know what it is about them now, but they seem almost as easy as using disposables, but much less expensive. Its just the washing of the used diapers and babies go through so many diapers. Especially newborns. Something cool I found out today while researching is that they now offer disposable inserts for when you're out on the go so you don't have to carry around the stink to eventually have to take home and wash. It makes me feel much better about the whole cloth diapers thing. Maybe that's what I was most worried about.
So if anyone has any opinions on cloth and disposable diapers whether it be positive or negative, please let me know!
I don't know what it is about them now, but they seem almost as easy as using disposables, but much less expensive. Its just the washing of the used diapers and babies go through so many diapers. Especially newborns. Something cool I found out today while researching is that they now offer disposable inserts for when you're out on the go so you don't have to carry around the stink to eventually have to take home and wash. It makes me feel much better about the whole cloth diapers thing. Maybe that's what I was most worried about.
So if anyone has any opinions on cloth and disposable diapers whether it be positive or negative, please let me know!
May 16, 2011
Family is the greatest thing on Earth and I love all of my family. Every single one of them. I may not them all, all of the time, but I still love them each and everyday. I like to tell people that I have the greatest family, including my in-laws and it's so true! I love them so much and I'm taking today to be grateful for all of them. Especially since this month they are all getting another year older. They may be old, but I love them just the same.
My Mommy- She has been there for me through everything. She was there for me through my childhood while I was the silliest person alive, she was there for me in my teenage years when we couldn't stand each other, she was there when I wanted to get married and she was there for me when I had my baby, Brenden. I continue to love her every day from so far away. She's there for me when I just need to talk about life, have questions about being a mommy, she's always giving me the greatest advice. She is the greatest best friend I could ever have in a mom. I love her.
My Daddy- Now to explain my Dad, he is the most down to earth, creatively smart awesomest person I know! He is definitely the best Dad! He has helped me make so many decisions in my life and helped me see good and helped me to see how I could change for the good. I am a better person today because of him.
My Brother, Adam- Gosh, what to say, I love this guy! He has turned into an amazing person and he's such a great Dad! He is the father the my newest niece, Rylan. So cute! He takes such great care of her. I can not express how impressed with him that I am. He has changed so much over the last few years and has matured greatly.
My Brother, Austin- He's just growing into an amazing young adult! He is so mature for his age and he is constantly just fantastic! I've watched him grow since he was a little baby. I used to change his diapers and now he's starting to date. I love him for being so grown up and easy going.
My Brother, Hunter- Hunter is my youngest brother and the most silly. Hunter is the baby in our family and we love him even though sometimes he's a little too much. He can be a little know it all, but he's so smart and fun! I still love to snuggle him and hold him like a baby, and I like that he doesn't mind at all, especially when he's sick.
My Mother-in-Law, Terri- Love her! She's another mom to me and she's the greatest mother-in-law ever! She treats me like one of her own and I love it! Chris always jokes that she likes me better, it just makes me feel good. She's one of the sweetest people and I know she would do anything for me and I have grown to appreciate and love her so much over the past couple years.
My Father-in-Law, Jim- He just reminds me of my own dad, and it just makes me feel like I fit in and it makes me feel really comfortable. Kind of like part of the family. It took me awhile to get used to it, but now I have grown to really know what family really means because of this man. He's very down to earth like my dad and very logical about everything and it's really nice when Chris and I are looking for some advice, about, well really anything.
My Brother-in-Law, Josh- Now this kid is quite crazy! He has a mind of his own. Now when Chris and I first got married and lived in St. Louis with his family for the summer he drove me nuts, mostly because I wanted to spend all of my time with my husband, but I've gotten used to it and he's grown on me and I have to say that now, I really like him and he just reminds me of my own brothers. He just fits into what I'm used to and I really like that feeling.
Now my own little family of 3, the 3 of us just tie everything together with out families.
My Husband, Chris- Love him! I can not tell you enough about this guy. I wrote him on his mission with out even having a clue to who he was, or what kind if person he was. I just kind of assumed that he was a good man because he was on a mission. I have learned since that not every man that goes on a mission is great, most of them are, but there are a few that just go. When Chris got back to the states after his mission we started dating, and I fell in love. So clique right? Marry the guy you fall in love with. Well that's exactly what happened and I have never been happier. I have a husband that loves me and a gorgeous baby because of it. My husband loves so very much, he takes great care of me, and understands me, talks to me, lets me win most of the arguments, cooks me yummy food, takes care of Brenden, lets me sleep in, watches chick flicks with me, just to name a few. He is so wonderful! And I love him.
My Baby, Brenden- Brenden is the newest edition to our family and we love him so much. He is so cute and lovable. He has his days, but he is so wonderful and fantastic. He hardly ever cries and sleeps well and is just the best baby ever! I love him so much and love taking those oh so cute pictures of him.
Family is so important and I have grown to appreciate my families love for me over the past few years. I would not trade any one of my family members for anything. They love me so much and treat me so well. Sure we have our jokes, but I can feel their love. I love watching movies with my family and sharing the gospel with them. It's my favorite. I feel so grateful to have them be a part of my life everyday.
I love you Family!
Day 10 of Me
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
This is going to sound a little odd, but I have one song for everything generally. And the winner is Journey's Don't Stop Believin'.
I love love this song. Whenever I'm anything it just makes me feel that much better. When ever I'm happy, it makes me that much more happy and just over the top! When I'm sad it helps me to see the good things in life. When I'm bored, it remind me of different things I have done listened to this song, and boy has it been a lot. When I'm hyped, I get up and sing and dance as loud as I can! When I'm mad it helps me to evaluate what I could do myself to make it all better. This song has helped me to get through everything and has helped to make life so much better in my mind, even though it's probably just that this song was playing at the time.
May 15, 2011
Day 09 of Me
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Having the energy to keep my house clean! I love it! This past week I have so much energy and so much to do, its really been great. Ever since we got home from our wonderful 3 week vacation out to see families I really haven't been able to get the house clean clean. I had cleaned the whole entire apartment before we left, but we got back and got to the unpacking and it just made this huge mess that was taking me forever to clean. But this last week Chris was able to take a day and take Brenden and watch him all day and I was able to be my mad woman self and get our house clean. Get the bedrooms back to where they should have been, get all the laundry and dishes down, get all of the dusting and vacuuming taken care of and sweep our nasty floors. And I have done, might I say, an amazing job keeping up with the housework since then. It's so great and I feel so good about myself, you don't even know.
When I was 16 I was your average teenager, you know, the kind that thought she knew everything. Let me tell you this now, and probably for the only time, I was SO WRONG! I really didn't know anything about anything other than how to be self-absorbed and messy. One day my Grandma Olsen came over to the house and had checked to make sure my room was clean, well first she checked to see if my car was clean and of course it wasn't. She didn't even bother looking at my room. She said that if my car was a mess, so was the rest of my life. I hate to admit it, but she was so right. I didn't admit it back then, but I really know now what a mess my life was, including my room. Ha! And ever since getting married having a clean house and car have been so important to me. So if I have a messy car, it's my husbands fault!
So for today, my greatest accomplishment this week is my home!
May 14, 2011
Day 08 of Me
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Goals for this month:
- Learn 3 new recipes
- Strive to have a clean house everyday
- Spend 3 days a week exercising
- Save $500
- Use all of my fruits and veggies from Bountiful Baskets
- Read a Book
- Have a Harry Potter marathon
- Celebrate all of my families Birthdays
- Become better friends with Mike and Melanie Brown
These are all pretty dang important to me and for a start, I think this is a pretty great list. I love to cook, so learning a few new recipes is very exciting for me. Not only do I want to learn these recipes, I want to find a few that I can use frequently. My next goal is to have a clean house, and I love having a clean house, it makes me happy and makes me feel oh so good! Its been really difficult to have a clean house since having a baby, but I know I can do it! And the exercising, honestly it is important, just not as important as other things. I want to lose the tummy I got after having a baby. That's pretty much it. Save $500. I want to save money this month for our trip to California next month. This trip is really important to me, I haven't seen my cousin Jared in a really long time and I don't even think Chris has even met him. Oh and they have a pretty cute baby. Obviously she doesn't compare to Brenden though. Just kidding. Love you cous. Ahhhh, next I have found a love for Bountiful Baskets. You get so much for not a whole lot of money and its great! I want to use all of this stuff and I can find some great recipes to do it! I want to read a really good book, so if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.
So this next one is a surprise to my husband. Harry Potter marathon.....WHAT? Yes, I never found an interest in the book or the first movie, but my husband and his family love them! So I have set a goal to give it a try. Ha! Trying new things. My next goal is really easy! Celebrating birthdays. All the gifts are wrapped and sent where they need to be. All thats left is the birthday phone calls and Chris' Birthday Party next week. And Hey, its important because Family is super important to me.
And the last, but one of the most important things on my list of course is Mike and Melanie. I just want to become better friends with them, they are great people. I love Melanie to death! And Mike is a great friend to Chris, so why not. I think they're hilarious and so great and I couldn't imagine life in Rexburg with them. Love you guys!
So here is my list, small, but MIGHTY!
Day 07 of Me
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

I love my Savior and I know the love that he shares for me. He is THE greatest thing in my life and he will always be there. He has made so many wonderful things in my life so very possible. From baptism to being married in the temple to having a baby, he has been my rock, he has been there with me the entire way. I love my husband, but I love Jesus more and I am happy to know that my husband respects and expects that. I know my Savior lives with me every day and helps me through the toughest of days. I love him so much, I can feel his presence, especially when I accomplish great things. He is amazing and I am so proud that I can have a big brother like him. He has set so many great examples and I hope to be able to follow them all someday. I love him and pray this in his name, Jesus Christ, Amen.
Day 06 of Me
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Haha. Everyone that knows my husband knows exactly why this is so funny to me. My husband is a super hero know-it-all. I love him dearly, but sometimes it can just be too much. So now that we've got that out of the way, down to what we're here for. Whose my favorite super hero.
Hmmmm....I didn't think this was going to be so tough deciding on one super hero...
And the winner is... Wonder Woman!
I think she is pretty awesome. I mean anyone who has there one jet is pretty awesome, not to mention invisible. And to alist a few other things, she's super strong, she has bullet proof bracelets, and best of, she has a tiara, pretty awesome huh? Well the tiara doubles as a throwing dagger. Best super hero ever! So on another note, I have been watching a ton of The Cosby Show lately and it talks a lot about women's rights, equality, and how women can do anything a man can do, if not better. And so Wonder Woman is pretty much the best super hero out there if you ask me.
May 11, 2011
Day 05 of Me

This is Las Vegas, but most importance, the Las Vegas Temple. Chris and I got married here almost 2 years ago. It will be 2 years next month. Wow how time flies. I picked this as a place I have been because for me it is the most important place. This is where Chris and I were able to start our family and made a promise to each other for it to last through the eternities. Family is everything to me, and even though the temple is something physical, it means SO MUCH to me. And this place is absolutely beautiful!
May 10, 2011
Day 04 of Me
Day 04- A habit you wish you didn't have.
Perfectionism. When it comes to cleaning, I just want it all done and I will not rest until it's done. I just wish that I could let a couple things go with out getting all bent out of shape about it. I remember when Chris and I first got married I would stay up into the wee hours of the night cleaning everything and Chris would get all upset because I was up at 3 am cleaning. Needless to say, I don't do that anymore. I just get upset when it doesn't get done. I wish I had more hours in the day to get all the housework done. Especially dishes and laundry, it seems like those never get done.
Someday I will get it all figured out, until then I will settle for having a loving family.
May 09, 2011
So I have to say, I have this found love of blogging and just kind of getting out what is going on in our lives. I love it. Especially since my day is spent cooing and ahhing at this little baby boy. I love my little baby, Brenden, but it's also nice to have a little bit more conversation, so blogging, I can just go on and on and talk about whatever I want. And then when Chris gets home from work at night, I don't absolutely talk his ear off, and I'm sure he appreciates that. Ha.
So today, Oh what a day today has been. It was a nice morning. Chris let me sleep in yet again. And there it was 10:30 in the morning when I finally woke up. It was so nice. So I got up and got ready and fed Baby Brenden. And we all headed out for the morning. We made a stop at Ace Hardware for a few things. Mostly I was excited to get some pots to plant the Mother's Day pansies that Chris and Brenden gave me, well it was really from the ward, but it was still very nice. So tomorrow I will plant those along with some more flowers that we got today. And the pots we picked out are beautiful. I'll have to take a few pictures and post them. We ended up getting Chris a toolbox. I was really getting tired of him calling a brown paper bag his toolbox. Its a little ridiculous. We also got some stain so Chris can stain our kitchen chairs this summer. Just a little honey-do project to keep him busy this summer.
When we got home, my day really got started. Chris and I had lunch, along with Baby Brenden and Chris got ready for work. Chris leaves for work and Brenden decided its time to be unhappy and to scream his head off non-stop for 3 hours. I was at my wits ends and had no idea what to do. I was seriously loosing my mind. Today was one of the worst days this kid has ever had. I hear stories of horrible days that other mother's have had and on those days that they re-think their decision on ever having children. I was very surprised that didn't happen to me today. Sure, I was super frustrated by the end of the last hour of screaming, but still happy that Brenden was here with me. All I wanted was to make him happy and this afternoon when I did make him happy I was so happy and felt so blessed I was able to make this little boy smile. It makes me so happy to have him around and to snuggle him, play with him, make him smile and laugh. And when he does these things and is so happy, I know the reason I wanted to be a mommy so bad, and I know how much I want more children. I love this kid. He makes me happy. And I just wanted to express and let the world know how much this one little tiny baby boy means to me!
Day 03 of Me
This is the most current picture of friends. Haha. Funny. This was last week, the night that we had all found out that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. Our friend, Caryn was feeling very nostalgic and wanted to record history in the making! So here it is.
May 08, 2011
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