November 04, 2011


I'm kind of having a mixed sense of emotions this afternoon. I feel so grateful that Chris has a job that he loves and that he is just so good at, but I'm sad because Brenden and I hardly get to see him anymore. Chris has school Monday through Friday now and has to work almost every evening. Chris has to leave for school before Brenden wakes up in the morning and Brenden is always asleep by the time Chris gets home from work in the evening. I realize that this kind of thing is relatively normal with us being poor college students, but that doesn't mean that I have to like it. And I don't like it. I don't like it at all. It really sucks to spend my days with out having a husband any where near. It really sucks for Brenden to hardly ever see his daddy because he's always at work or school.

I'm sure that things will change soon, but I want them to change now. That's just who I am and that's just how my personality works. I wouldn't claim to be impatient, but I am definitely stubborn and want things when I want them. Does that make me a bad person? No, I don't think so. It just makes that much more determined to make things happen and to look for the best in everything. And the best thing in all of this is that Chris has a wonderful job to support us all. And today, today I am thankful for that.

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