March 24, 2011

Childbirth Educator???

I'm starting to truely seriously think about becoming a childbirth educator. Being pregnant and having a baby is the best blessing any woman could ever have. And she can do it over and over again. Its so wonderful to think that We can go through 9 months of having this baby in our body and a day being uncomfortable and out comes this little human being that is exactly like us. It just amazes me. I'm a new mom and every day I look at our little boy, I think, Wow, I made that, he was inside of me for months developing into this whole person. He's got his own mind and personality, his own thoughts, and things that he wants to do, he's got his own hurt feelings, and his own happiness, I think about how all of these things are just going to grow over time and how really wonderful that is.

It would be so great to be involved in other people's journey to become a mom. Whether they are experiencing it for the first time or for the eighth time. I think about the birth class that Chris and I went through and how much fun it was and how much we learned that we would have never learned from books or just from talking to our parents and friends. We took a hypnobirthing class and it was so wonderful knowing that we had the tools to do everything that we wanted.

I really want to think a lot more about this and to pray about it and see how I feel about it over the next couple of weeks. I'm not very educated in childbirth right now. All I know is stories that I've listened to and Brenden's birth story, but I think it would be so great to learn more and to be able to teach and be there for other mother's to be through their births.

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