We seriously have the best little baby in the whole entire world! He is just so cute. This is his St. Patrick's Day onsie. No pinching this baby today. Haha. He had a doctors appointment today, well actually mommy had her 6-week appointment today and we had told the midwife how we were worried about him because he wasn't gaining a whole lot of weight and she suggested getting him in to see the pediatrician. He was in to see his doctor within the next 15 minutes. He got weighed and our little guy weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz. A whole pound heavier than he was at his appointment last month. He isn't gaining as much as the average, which is an ounce a day, he's only gaining about 1/2 an ounce a day. But they said as long as he's gaining weight there's really nothing to worry about yet, but that we should keep an eye on it. If he doesn't start gaining more weight in the next few weeks we're gonna have to start looking into what our options are. But we're not there yet and they said nothing else was wrong with him. He's eating plenty and has much in his diapers.
We are just so in love with our baby and so glad that he is doing so well!
He's a cutie! that's fo sho! Now, you need pics on the side of him! ;-)