March 23, 2011


Am I really crazy? Quite possibly! I have a new baby that's only 7 weeks old and I'm already thinking about more and how I definitely want more and NOW! And I have a wonderful husband who thinks its a little early, but is totally on board with the idea. What a great husband I have. I keep telling myself that I'm crazy mostly because Brenden is only 7 weeks old and I am totally craving to be pregnant again, to be in labor, to have a little brother or sister for Brenden. I'm just craving everything. I think this time around I wouldn't mind the wait since I've already had a baby.

When I was pregnant with Brenden it seemed like everything was so far away. We were about 9 weeks along when we found out about baby and we thought, great, we're almost a quarter the way there, but from that point on everything went extremely slow, well for me anyways. Its seemed like all of the doctors appointments were so spaced out, we only had 2 ultrasounds, it took forever to find a doctor in Rexburg, and then we decided to go see the midwives, they changed our due date to almost 3 weeks later than it originally was, and when I finally did go into labor, it just didn't progress.

Now that I know what to expect, I know that the next pregnancy and birth will go so much better. I'll have Brenden to keep me busy during the pregnancy and hopefully no pitocin to get the labor started. I hear that pitocin makes labor a lot more intense and a lot harder to endure. So I'm really hoping with our other children there will be no need for the pitocin and I can just enjoy being in labor and enjoy giving our babies life.

I'm just so excited about being a mommy to lots of children. And I can't wait for them to start flooding our home!


  1. I'm pretty sure every single woman who goes through labor and delivery gets that same craving for another one. I know I did. But I also knew I was CRAZY! Your body needs time to normalize out before it goes through all those changes again! It'll be awesome when you have another one!

  2. Oh Sadie - You are crazy! But I love it! I think you need to pass on some of your pregnancy and birth enthusiasm to me though... Altho wait about a year. :-)
