June 16, 2012

11 weeks to go....

Not long enough,that I can tell you that for sure. Brenden still isn't completely walking on his own or going to bed like he should. I just need some more time so this little one can stay in my tummy as long as she would like! That is for sure. When I was pregnant with Brenden I just couldn't wait for him to come and I tried everything once I hit that 37 week mark. Talking long walks, walking lop-sided on curbs, bumpy car rides, spicy foods, castor oil, bouncing on a birth ball all day long, and none of these showed any progress to Brenden coming anytime soon. In fact, he was almost a week late. What gives? So I think that this time I will refrain from doing those things and see what happens in hopes that she'll decide to be on time if not a little late. I need all of that extra time that I can get. I will be thrilled once that time comes, don't get me wrong, I'm just a nervous wreck! I can't even imagine myself being a mommy of two. I know that I'll do a stellar job, just like I hope I have done with just Brenden, but I can't help but be nervous and anxious about it!


  1. You'll be totally fine! I think the same thing, holy smokes, Lauren just still seems like a BABY, how will I handle two?? But our newborns will be so chill the first 3 months anyways. They'll sleep all the time, and won't be mobile, and their diet will only consist of milk. It'll be a piece of cake. Especially while we have rambunctious toddlers to take care of.

  2. Haha just watch... this time you won't do anything and she'll be early. And I'll think it's funny because I love you and have total confidence in your ability to Mommy two kids- whether or not one of them can walk yet ;)
