The best thing about this pregnancy, you ask? NO MORNING SICKNESS!!! Sure, I've got some nausea from time to time, actually more often this week, but I'm not glued to a toilet for 4 months! It feels great to be able to get out and do things. Brenden's got 4 playdates every week, and if I had morning sickness, those would not be happening. I'm feeling so blessed in life right now, I'm kind of regretting my decision not to tell people about this pregnancy. I just feel like I don't have anyone to talk about my excitement with. That was until this last week. Chris and I decided it was okay to tell people that we see frequently. It wouuld be hard not to and I think they would have caught on pretty soon.
So on Friday Chris and I threw a Scentsy party for our friends, Melanie and Jess. Afterwards, we hung out with Mike and Melanie, and Paul and Jess. Mike and Melanie have known as long as we have about this pregnancy. They knew before our parents did! Heck, Mike knew before I did! Well Paul and Jess had no idea. So all evening I kept dropping hints about pregnancy and we kept deferring the conversation back to pregnancy and birth. I think Jess finally caught on when Chris and I decided it was time to let them in on our little secret.
Here are some of my hints:
Jess had mentioned that they will probably start trying to have a baby after this semester is over. She asked if Chris and I were wanting to try and have another baby. I of course said yes. She said, hey, maybe we can be pregnant together. I responded, only if you're pregnant now. Haha. Nothing!
Melanie was talking about dollar store pregnancy tests and if they really worked. I mentioned something about taking one and we'd really know. Haha. Nada.
These are just my most memorable hints, I was dropping hints all night long!
I'm so glad I have a few people to talk to. My favorite it actually this girl in my ward. Her little one, Aria is about a month older than Brenden. They're both at the same stages though, which is great. We were in the foyer with them during sacrament on Sunday and they were just having so much fun, crawling after each other, banging on the walls and doors. Laughing at each other. I thought it was hilarious. And then we found out that we have the same due date! Small world, right? Now, I'm thinking, its just too many commonalities not to be friends.
I'm so grateful to be pregnant with another little angel and to feel the love and support of all of our family and friends who have been let in on the secret. And for those of you who have to wait to find out, we still love you, you're just too kind to keep our secret. :)
One of the greatest things a Father can do for his Children is to love their Mother.
January 31, 2012
Car News!

We found something!!!!
We found a Black 2003 Ford Explorer for $7999!!!! Which is an amazing price. We just never heard back on the other one which is okay. But we did call on this one and its at a dealership in Idaho Falls.
We called the dealership today and talked to a man named Blaine. Its his day off today, so we're gonna go look at it tomorrow. I'm really excited if you can't tell. I'm just feeling so blessed that our tax return was so mighty this year! I can't wait to see what it'll look like next year. Although next years tax return will probably be going towards Chris' student loans. Which is okay. I would rather be an average joe after taxes and feel great about paying off some debt than be the person who buys that 80 inch tv. Haha.
Chris and I test drove this 2003 Eddie Bauer edition of a Ford Expedition a few months ago when Brenden was like 4 months old. I absolutely fell in love with it! I wanted to get it right then, right there, but it just wasn't in our cards at the time. They were asking $12,000 and with Chris and I not having any credit at all we didn't pass the credit check to lease a car. I was okay with that because personally I would rather buy a car with cash and not owe anything than have to lease it!
And now that this option just landed itself in our laps, its awesome! We'll be saving at $4,000 dollars. Their asking price is $8,000, but I'm sure we can talk them down a little bit. :)
We'll let you know how the test drive goes. And who knows, maybe we'll bring a new car home tomorrow.
Bigger Family, Bigger Car
Chris and I are in the market for a new car and the great thing? We didn't have to take forever to save up the money. Right now, we have about $3,000 saved up for a car, which is okay, but we could do better! We're thinking we could sell the Grand Am and make another $1500-$2000 from selling that. That puts us in the $4500-$5000 range, which is getting much better. Now the kicker! Chris and I just finish our taxes and we're looking to get back $4500 back this year! Amazing! That doubles our budget! So now we're in the 9,000-$9500 which is an amazing price to upgrade to a used SUV or minivan. As much as I would rather not have a minivan, I realize that it may be the better option.
We've been looking at 2003 and 2004 Ford Expedition. We found one locally. Its a white 2004 Ford Expedition, it comes with an extra set of tires and a utility trailer all for $8000! We called on it yesterday, we haven't heard anything back yet, but it sounds like an amazing buy! I can't wait. We've even talked about waiting until Memorial Day weekend and going to car dealerships finding some great deals. I know that we'll find something that we love! With this growing family of ours, its just going to be better to have something bigger that will last us for awhile.
We're excited to buy a newer car and to love it!
We've been looking at 2003 and 2004 Ford Expedition. We found one locally. Its a white 2004 Ford Expedition, it comes with an extra set of tires and a utility trailer all for $8000! We called on it yesterday, we haven't heard anything back yet, but it sounds like an amazing buy! I can't wait. We've even talked about waiting until Memorial Day weekend and going to car dealerships finding some great deals. I know that we'll find something that we love! With this growing family of ours, its just going to be better to have something bigger that will last us for awhile.
We're excited to buy a newer car and to love it!
January 30, 2012
More Pregnancy Updates!
I had my first doctor's appointment last Tuesday!! I thought about going back to Season's medical, but the experience I had with one of the midwives through Seasons, I just decided it would probably be better to see a different doctor all together. I had been hearing so many wonderful things about Dr. Jones in town. I have not one, not two, but three really good friends that had said some amazing things about this doctor, and were they right!
I went into my appointment and had to have all of the routine womanly tests. Including some pregnancy blood screening tests, not a bog deal at all. The nurses in the office are all great, and Dr. Jones is both friendly and lets me know everything I need to know even if I don't think to ask. Its wonderful! They also had an intern there that day, and it was kind of cool to be part of his learning experience.
Everything turned out to be perfectly fine, other than we couldn't nail down an exact due date. I just couldn't remember when my last period was. With the holidays and just everything going on it just totally slipped my mind. So what did they do? They scheduled me for an early ultrasound! I was totally thrilled. They scheduled it for the very next day, Chris was able to make it which was fun for us.
We learned a lot about the uterus. The Ultrasound Tech was very helpful and told us what everything was and what was going on. And based on the ultrasound, I'm 9 weeks, and 2 days along with a due date of September 1st. During the ultrasound, we also got to see the baby's heartbeat, which was around 165 bpm. Which was astounding for me! Brenden's heartbeat was always around 130-140 bpm. So a heartbeat of 165 I just didn't know what to think.
I have heard that little girl's heartbeats beat fast than little boys heartbeats, so here's to hoping. I know, I know, I would really be happy with whatever pops out in 9 months. I admit that having a girl would just be a dream come true, to have a little mini me, to be able to shop for all of the cute baby clothes, the little girl bows, to play dress up everyday. But on the other hand, it would just be more convenient to have a boy. We already have all of the little boy things, and hey, I've already done that! Haha. Either way both Chris and I can hardly wait to invite another little angel into our lives.
I went into my appointment and had to have all of the routine womanly tests. Including some pregnancy blood screening tests, not a bog deal at all. The nurses in the office are all great, and Dr. Jones is both friendly and lets me know everything I need to know even if I don't think to ask. Its wonderful! They also had an intern there that day, and it was kind of cool to be part of his learning experience.
Everything turned out to be perfectly fine, other than we couldn't nail down an exact due date. I just couldn't remember when my last period was. With the holidays and just everything going on it just totally slipped my mind. So what did they do? They scheduled me for an early ultrasound! I was totally thrilled. They scheduled it for the very next day, Chris was able to make it which was fun for us.
We learned a lot about the uterus. The Ultrasound Tech was very helpful and told us what everything was and what was going on. And based on the ultrasound, I'm 9 weeks, and 2 days along with a due date of September 1st. During the ultrasound, we also got to see the baby's heartbeat, which was around 165 bpm. Which was astounding for me! Brenden's heartbeat was always around 130-140 bpm. So a heartbeat of 165 I just didn't know what to think.
I have heard that little girl's heartbeats beat fast than little boys heartbeats, so here's to hoping. I know, I know, I would really be happy with whatever pops out in 9 months. I admit that having a girl would just be a dream come true, to have a little mini me, to be able to shop for all of the cute baby clothes, the little girl bows, to play dress up everyday. But on the other hand, it would just be more convenient to have a boy. We already have all of the little boy things, and hey, I've already done that! Haha. Either way both Chris and I can hardly wait to invite another little angel into our lives.
January 29, 2012
Big News!!!
Chris and I have decided to let our blog go private again, but only for a little while. So as of right now, the only people who can read this are ourselves, and our parents. After this post I'm sure you'll figure out why it needs to stay this way just for a little while. This is also why its been awhile since I've posted anything on the blog.
Chris and I are having another baby!!! Crazy, huh? That's what I thought at first as well.We will be welcoming the new baby in early September. I'm due on September 1st! It seems a long ways away, but I know as soon as this semester is over its just going to fly by. The summers always seem to do that.
So here's the story. I hadn't been feeling that great since Christmas really and when we got back from Seattle I decided to take a pregnancy test just because if that was the case, I really wanted to know. I took a pregnancy test early one morning, because I hear that's the best time to take one. Too much information? Well, get your own story. Going on, I looked at the test and it was dark, but I could have sworn it said negative, so I just went back to sleep. Later that morning Chris woke up and started getting ready for work, and he decided he wanted to take a second look at this test I had told him was negative, just to be sure. And you know, it was POSITIVE!!! So instead of waking me up to tell me the news Chris just goes to work and hides the test. Yeah, I thought that was a little weird too. Well, Chris is at work freaking out because at this point he is the only that knows we're about to have another baby! Good thing he works with his best friend, Mike. So he tells Mike and kind of rants about it until he feels better.
All the while I'm texting Chris that day while he's at work saying, maybe I should take another test, maybe that one was wrong. I was feeling pregnant. About the same way I did when I was pregnant with Brenden, just not as bad. Just nauseous! I loathe that feeling! Chris kept telling me I wasn't pregnant because the test I took that same morning said so. He finally convinced me. Later that afternoon Chris comes home from work and tells me that we need to talk, very serious like. I thought I was in trouble, that's what Dad would always say. The next thing I know, Chris is showing me this positive pregnancy test. I had no idea what to think at all! Maybe he had some pregnant lady at work pee on a stick. I really had no idea. Then it was my turn to flip out! I did a lot of counting that night trying to figure out how far along I was, how far about Brenden and this new baby were going to be. After figuring everything out I felt much more relieved and could actually start to get excited about the idea. Chris was just excited to probably be the first man in history to tell his wife that she was pregnant. Haha.
That's out story for now, our home teachers are coming over, so I'll blog again soon and talk about the first 9 weeks of being pregnant!
Chris and I are having another baby!!! Crazy, huh? That's what I thought at first as well.We will be welcoming the new baby in early September. I'm due on September 1st! It seems a long ways away, but I know as soon as this semester is over its just going to fly by. The summers always seem to do that.
So here's the story. I hadn't been feeling that great since Christmas really and when we got back from Seattle I decided to take a pregnancy test just because if that was the case, I really wanted to know. I took a pregnancy test early one morning, because I hear that's the best time to take one. Too much information? Well, get your own story. Going on, I looked at the test and it was dark, but I could have sworn it said negative, so I just went back to sleep. Later that morning Chris woke up and started getting ready for work, and he decided he wanted to take a second look at this test I had told him was negative, just to be sure. And you know, it was POSITIVE!!! So instead of waking me up to tell me the news Chris just goes to work and hides the test. Yeah, I thought that was a little weird too. Well, Chris is at work freaking out because at this point he is the only that knows we're about to have another baby! Good thing he works with his best friend, Mike. So he tells Mike and kind of rants about it until he feels better.
All the while I'm texting Chris that day while he's at work saying, maybe I should take another test, maybe that one was wrong. I was feeling pregnant. About the same way I did when I was pregnant with Brenden, just not as bad. Just nauseous! I loathe that feeling! Chris kept telling me I wasn't pregnant because the test I took that same morning said so. He finally convinced me. Later that afternoon Chris comes home from work and tells me that we need to talk, very serious like. I thought I was in trouble, that's what Dad would always say. The next thing I know, Chris is showing me this positive pregnancy test. I had no idea what to think at all! Maybe he had some pregnant lady at work pee on a stick. I really had no idea. Then it was my turn to flip out! I did a lot of counting that night trying to figure out how far along I was, how far about Brenden and this new baby were going to be. After figuring everything out I felt much more relieved and could actually start to get excited about the idea. Chris was just excited to probably be the first man in history to tell his wife that she was pregnant. Haha.
That's out story for now, our home teachers are coming over, so I'll blog again soon and talk about the first 9 weeks of being pregnant!
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