We are so excited for Christmas to be here! Its only a few weeks away and I'm so ready. Christmas shopping is done, presents are wrapped, tree is up, lights on, ornaments made, it's awesome! Chris and I made some homemade ornaments yesterday. I have to say, I love them! Its just flour, salt, water, food coloring, and then you cut out shapes and bake. We also had some ceramic ornaments, but they were all white, so we cheated and painted them with nail polish. Stinky house! And now our tree is gorgeous!
I'm kinda sad that we'll be here in Rexburg for Christmas too mostly because we won't be able to see family, but I'm so glad that we have so many friends that will be here, stuck in Rexburg too. So far the plans are to have a formal dinner party at a friends on Christmas Eve, it will be awesome. We'll probably just do Christmas morning at our house, just the two of us and skype our families. I love skyping with our families, it makes it seems like we're not so far apart. I'll be glad when school is over and we can see family more. Just over another year. Yes!
Chris has been working like crazy lately and working really hard in school. I love him for it. He has been so crazy busy and with all of the snow, I have been sewing a lot and just trying to keep busy. I started a new quilt this last week since I'm not aloud to really touch the one that Chris has started. He is doing really well on his quilt. So cute!
Our week after Thanksgiving has been going so well. Spending as much time together as we can. Birthing Classes. Cleaning the whole house. Setting up the baby's room some more. It feels like we've been getting gifts for Brenden almost every day this week.
I'm so ready for him to come already!
One of the greatest things a Father can do for his Children is to love their Mother.
December 03, 2010
December 01, 2010
Today is the first day of December, and we all know what that means....Christmastime is so so so close! I am so excited for Christmas this year, even though we'll be spending it here in Rexburg because of Chris' lame work schedule. I'm just Thankful that we have so many great friends and that they'll will be stuck here with us.
Chris has been working really hard today to get the house all cleaned up. We had a blizzard last week and then Thanksgiving and Black Friday came and we just haven't been home enough to get it to just the way we like it. I'm so thankful that he's so willing to clean the house and do laundry for me on his days off. Its really a blessing.
So last week, Thanksgiving was so much fun, we practically made a whole week out of it. On Monday we had Family Home Evening with some friends playing a game called Minute to Win it. It was a blast! You have one minute to accomplish a certain task or you're eliminated.

We had a lot of fun with this, these are not all of the games we played, but for the most part its almost all the ones we took pictures of.

Chris has been working really hard today to get the house all cleaned up. We had a blizzard last week and then Thanksgiving and Black Friday came and we just haven't been home enough to get it to just the way we like it. I'm so thankful that he's so willing to clean the house and do laundry for me on his days off. Its really a blessing.
So last week, Thanksgiving was so much fun, we practically made a whole week out of it. On Monday we had Family Home Evening with some friends playing a game called Minute to Win it. It was a blast! You have one minute to accomplish a certain task or you're eliminated.
I forgot the names to all of these, but basically this one there are 5 different size paper bags and with out using your hands you had to get the bags to the table behind you in less than a minute. The only part of your body that could touch the floor was your feet. It was a tough one, I assume. Being pregnant, my task was a lot easier. My bags were set up on the couch. Haha. Talk about easy.

This game you had a yo-yo strapped to yourself and had to knock over all of these plastic cups.

This game you had to mummify yourself in a roll of toilet paper without ripping it. Chris was amazing, I think he did in like 10 seconds or so.

November 12, 2010
Baby Classes!
We started our hypnobabies birthing classes last week and we love them! There is so much to learn and out teacher is so amazing! We were supposed to have a class last night, but it was canceled. Apparently our teachers whole family was sick and usually it wouldn't have been a big deal, but with all these pregnant ladies, we didn't want to take a chance.
The class is a lot of meditation, hypnosis and going into it we were very skeptical, ok mostly Chris, but now he loves it! The workbook that comes with the class has so much information, nothing you can really get from reading other birthing books, its great! We have homeowrk assignments every single week. We have reading assignments, communication assignments, scripts for hypnosis, and it has been so much fun! The book has a lot of references to other books on different topics.
Other than our birthing class, we are so looking forward to the holidays even though we'll be spending them here in Rexburg, but we have some great friends!!! We already have our Christmas tree up because I am very stubborn and a pregnant woman who generally gets her way. Now it just needs ornaments. And I really need to start planning a baking day here in Rexburg, that would be so much fun! Now time for so grub!!!
The class is a lot of meditation, hypnosis and going into it we were very skeptical, ok mostly Chris, but now he loves it! The workbook that comes with the class has so much information, nothing you can really get from reading other birthing books, its great! We have homeowrk assignments every single week. We have reading assignments, communication assignments, scripts for hypnosis, and it has been so much fun! The book has a lot of references to other books on different topics.
Other than our birthing class, we are so looking forward to the holidays even though we'll be spending them here in Rexburg, but we have some great friends!!! We already have our Christmas tree up because I am very stubborn and a pregnant woman who generally gets her way. Now it just needs ornaments. And I really need to start planning a baking day here in Rexburg, that would be so much fun! Now time for so grub!!!
October 27, 2010
29 weeks today!
Only a few short weeks left to go. And I have this feeling that time is going to go by so quickly. With all the Holidays coming up and just being that busy time of season, I'm looking forward to time flying by.
We have our first doctors appointment since St. Louis on Friday. We're both really excited for that, mostly because it's been a really long time and it will be nice to hear that everything is going great.
As for some not so great news, we're going to have to spend all of holidays in Rexburg. Chris was fairly, okay, he was really upset about it. We found out yesterday that Sam's Club has company wide Black out for all of November and December, and in order for him to get any time off the General Manager has to sign off on it. Their regular GM quit last week, so they have this temp. coming up from Logan about once a week until they find someone to be their new GM. When Chris talked to the temp. guy he just flat out told him no, no explanation on either side, nothing. Chris was mostly upset about that.
Its not ideal to spend our holidays in Rexburg, but we'll make the best of it. We'll have our own Thanksgiving dinner and spend it together and do whatever we can to make it fun. :)
We have our first doctors appointment since St. Louis on Friday. We're both really excited for that, mostly because it's been a really long time and it will be nice to hear that everything is going great.
As for some not so great news, we're going to have to spend all of holidays in Rexburg. Chris was fairly, okay, he was really upset about it. We found out yesterday that Sam's Club has company wide Black out for all of November and December, and in order for him to get any time off the General Manager has to sign off on it. Their regular GM quit last week, so they have this temp. coming up from Logan about once a week until they find someone to be their new GM. When Chris talked to the temp. guy he just flat out told him no, no explanation on either side, nothing. Chris was mostly upset about that.
Its not ideal to spend our holidays in Rexburg, but we'll make the best of it. We'll have our own Thanksgiving dinner and spend it together and do whatever we can to make it fun. :)
October 17, 2010
27 weeks, 4 days!
Time is flying and I'm sure going in the winter holidays, life is just going to get even more crazier and everything is going to go even more faster than it already is. We're really excited for January and for Baby Brenden to become a larger part of our lives, but at the same time, we think, "Ahhhh, we have no idea what we're doing!" We're in the 3rd trimester, I'm definitely in the nesting stage, Chris has been going to school and working non-stop. It has been a crazy couple of months, and the next few months are going to be even crazier. But overall we're really excited. For the holidays, for family, for friends, and for baby.
We have met a lot of new friends the past couple of weeks being in Rexburg. It has been so much fun. We met a couple in our ward that have connections to St. Louis, and they are so wonderful. They're so sweet, helpful, and absolutely hilarious. We also met a couple where Chris knew the husband from home and from his mission, we had a game night with them last night and hopefully we can get them over for dinner this week when Chris has a day off from work. I really look forward to getting to know them better, especially the wife, Shayanna, she seems so great! I like her already. :)
As far as medical and doctors go, we haven't seen a doctor since St. Louis, but hopefully soon. We're turning in the last bit of paperwork in tomorrow to get approved for Medicaid so all the baby expenses will be paid for. We have to turn in this form for Plasma. Chris has been donating plasma for awhile, so we kind of have to estimate how much he's made and let them know and sign a document because according to the state of Idaho, since Chris donates and earns money from it, he is considered self-employed. Ridiculous, I know, but that's life and how the system works, I'm sure everything will work out, and hopefully soon.
For now, we need to got o bed, Chris has an early morning of classes and work for tomorrow.
We have met a lot of new friends the past couple of weeks being in Rexburg. It has been so much fun. We met a couple in our ward that have connections to St. Louis, and they are so wonderful. They're so sweet, helpful, and absolutely hilarious. We also met a couple where Chris knew the husband from home and from his mission, we had a game night with them last night and hopefully we can get them over for dinner this week when Chris has a day off from work. I really look forward to getting to know them better, especially the wife, Shayanna, she seems so great! I like her already. :)
As far as medical and doctors go, we haven't seen a doctor since St. Louis, but hopefully soon. We're turning in the last bit of paperwork in tomorrow to get approved for Medicaid so all the baby expenses will be paid for. We have to turn in this form for Plasma. Chris has been donating plasma for awhile, so we kind of have to estimate how much he's made and let them know and sign a document because according to the state of Idaho, since Chris donates and earns money from it, he is considered self-employed. Ridiculous, I know, but that's life and how the system works, I'm sure everything will work out, and hopefully soon.
For now, we need to got o bed, Chris has an early morning of classes and work for tomorrow.
October 13, 2010
Baby Brenden James
Here are some of our Ultrasound pictures from the last time we went to the doctor in St. Louis. Its been awhile!

This is the ultrasound we had when we found out we were having a boy! So exciting, :D

This is a picture of the baby's face, personally I think he looks like Chris.

This was just a picture they did for measurements, and apparently Brenden measures a bit below average, but that's ok.

Boy picture!
September 27, 2010
Oh Whoa!
So much has been going on in the last almost 2 months. I am a horrible blogger since we've been back to Rexburg. When we first got back it took so much time to get our home back in order, from all the cleaning, grocery shopping, putting all of our stuff back together after subletting for the summer. It was a lot of work and I have to say its still really not completely done. Especially with a baby on the way and trying to prepare for that also. Work, work, work!
Chris transferred from the Sam's Club in St. Louis to the one in Idaho Falls, which is wonderful. Trying to save as much money as we can. He loves it, he works in the wireless department, but he also works in electronics and jewelry when they need it. He just got cross trained in jewelry this week, and I'm pretty sure he is doing great at it!
While Chris is at work, I have been cleaning and working on a lot of projects. I've made a blessing blanket, 2 maternity skirts, and a fabulous quilt so far. Its been a lot of fun. I'll have to pot pictures once I take some. I have to say that most Christmas presents this year will probably be homemade. :D
I have to say, I love my mom! She has been so great! I remember when Chris and I first got married everytime I would call her, "Am I gonna be a grandma yet?" Never failed, and as soon as she gave up and stopped asking, it happened. It makes me laugh. I call her everytime I don't understand something about pregnancy or think something is maybe a little weird. From morning sickness to what should I eat to all these cool baby crafts to Ack! I'm not showing yet, she has been so amazing and I love her! This weekend after General Conference on Saturday she's throwing me a baby shower. I get to see my wonderful family, it'll be great! I don't really know anything about it other than its on Saturday at 3. Haha. I think it'll be a lot of fun. I'm excited.
And then I think, Wow! Am I really so far along to having baby showers. Wow! So real and so cool! You read these pregnancy books and they're usually week by week and they'll tell you what your baby looks like and how its developing. Its so amazing. So hard to even comprehend how amazing life really is. 25 weeks along on Wednesday! Thats so weird to me still. I'm going to be the woman delivering a baby still in shock that its really happening. Haha. And after this semester its going to be right there. Wow!
Chris transferred from the Sam's Club in St. Louis to the one in Idaho Falls, which is wonderful. Trying to save as much money as we can. He loves it, he works in the wireless department, but he also works in electronics and jewelry when they need it. He just got cross trained in jewelry this week, and I'm pretty sure he is doing great at it!
While Chris is at work, I have been cleaning and working on a lot of projects. I've made a blessing blanket, 2 maternity skirts, and a fabulous quilt so far. Its been a lot of fun. I'll have to pot pictures once I take some. I have to say that most Christmas presents this year will probably be homemade. :D
I have to say, I love my mom! She has been so great! I remember when Chris and I first got married everytime I would call her, "Am I gonna be a grandma yet?" Never failed, and as soon as she gave up and stopped asking, it happened. It makes me laugh. I call her everytime I don't understand something about pregnancy or think something is maybe a little weird. From morning sickness to what should I eat to all these cool baby crafts to Ack! I'm not showing yet, she has been so amazing and I love her! This weekend after General Conference on Saturday she's throwing me a baby shower. I get to see my wonderful family, it'll be great! I don't really know anything about it other than its on Saturday at 3. Haha. I think it'll be a lot of fun. I'm excited.
And then I think, Wow! Am I really so far along to having baby showers. Wow! So real and so cool! You read these pregnancy books and they're usually week by week and they'll tell you what your baby looks like and how its developing. Its so amazing. So hard to even comprehend how amazing life really is. 25 weeks along on Wednesday! Thats so weird to me still. I'm going to be the woman delivering a baby still in shock that its really happening. Haha. And after this semester its going to be right there. Wow!
July 29, 2010
Doctor's Appointment
Today we went and saw a doctor for the first time, well pregnancy doctor that is. The best doctors appointment since we've been in St. Louis. We've been to about 3 other doctors and its been really hard to try to figure out insurance stuff and try to make doctor's appointments at the same time. Its just been one huge mess. And the only thing the doctors at the past appointments would do is take pregnancy tests. OK, look, I may not look like it, but I'm in my 2nd trimester, having morning sickness like you wouldn't believe, have had pregnancy tests up the bazooka, definitely knowing we're having a baby! You think the doctors would understand. I hate peeing in a cup, I don't think men understand how utterly impossible it is for us.
So doctor's appointment today...Great! We have a great doctor even if she won't be our doctor for very much longer, with us moving back to Rexburg for school and all. But she really was great. She asked for a full medical history, did some tests, took blood, that was cool. Kind of like donating plasma, but way way way faster!!! She said that some insurance companies don't like doctors to do ultrasounds the first appointment, but she didn't much care, she was as excited as we were. So we did one of those heart beat ultrasounds, and I have to say, it really is as weird as it sounds in the movie. No picture, just the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, Ha ha.
And then, and then we got to go do the picture ultrasound!!! So cool. Some things were hard to make out, but you can definitely tell, the head is a head. The heartbeat was really awesome to see. It was really fast! And we got pictures! :)
Quite a fantastic day!!
So doctor's appointment today...Great! We have a great doctor even if she won't be our doctor for very much longer, with us moving back to Rexburg for school and all. But she really was great. She asked for a full medical history, did some tests, took blood, that was cool. Kind of like donating plasma, but way way way faster!!! She said that some insurance companies don't like doctors to do ultrasounds the first appointment, but she didn't much care, she was as excited as we were. So we did one of those heart beat ultrasounds, and I have to say, it really is as weird as it sounds in the movie. No picture, just the whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, Ha ha.
And then, and then we got to go do the picture ultrasound!!! So cool. Some things were hard to make out, but you can definitely tell, the head is a head. The heartbeat was really awesome to see. It was really fast! And we got pictures! :)
Quite a fantastic day!!
July 21, 2010
Escapades in St. Louis!
Ahhhh!!!! This is the life! You know, going to bed early just because we're married. Weird, getting married is like vowing you will forever more be drowsy after 9 at night. I used to love being young, well of course, I still am, but I used to love staying up late fitting in everything I possibly could in that 24 hour period, going to bed super late and being able to wake with all the farm animals. Now I'm lucky if I can stay awake for those Friday night movies. Yeah, I'm the one asleep on couch before the previews even start. But you've got to love it!!!
Well today was was mommy daughter day with my mother-in-law. Best day ever! Love her! We went to down town St. Louis and had lunch at Lemp Mansion. Its on the10 most haunted houses in the U.S. list. Apparently it was owned By a Adam Lemp who came to America in the early 1900's to be a grocer. He owned his own store and started making his own ale to sell in his store. The Ale was turning out to be a better profit than the store. He then started his own Beer company. He died and left the company to his son William, who renovated the house for offices for the Lemp Brewery. In 1904, William Lemp committed suicide by shooting himself in the head in the upper room. William would not be the last Lemp to commit suicide. There would be 3 others, ending in the 1940's. The brewery went to the Bank. The last Lemp to live was Edwin Lemp, his life was service to others, and upon his death his orders were to destroy his art collection and his family heirlooms. This place wasn't very creepy, but it was a lot of fun to go and have lunch together. As we opened the front door it even had that creeky sound. It was really cool.And apparently they have murder mystery dinners there. Definitely want to go to one of those!!!!
After lunch at the haunted mansion, we went antiquing for a few hours. Man, we found some crazy things. Some really cool things, and some really really ugly things. Ha ha. But it was really hot outside so decided to call it a day, especially since a lot of the shops were closed. Went to go get ice cream in town, but the Ben and Jerry's in town went out of business. Someone please tell me how an ice cream place goes out of business. I admit not everyone has those baby cravings, but come on its summer time and ice cream, its like me and my right thumb, can't have one with out the other, or it just hurts!
Well today was was mommy daughter day with my mother-in-law. Best day ever! Love her! We went to down town St. Louis and had lunch at Lemp Mansion. Its on the10 most haunted houses in the U.S. list. Apparently it was owned By a Adam Lemp who came to America in the early 1900's to be a grocer. He owned his own store and started making his own ale to sell in his store. The Ale was turning out to be a better profit than the store. He then started his own Beer company. He died and left the company to his son William, who renovated the house for offices for the Lemp Brewery. In 1904, William Lemp committed suicide by shooting himself in the head in the upper room. William would not be the last Lemp to commit suicide. There would be 3 others, ending in the 1940's. The brewery went to the Bank. The last Lemp to live was Edwin Lemp, his life was service to others, and upon his death his orders were to destroy his art collection and his family heirlooms. This place wasn't very creepy, but it was a lot of fun to go and have lunch together. As we opened the front door it even had that creeky sound. It was really cool.And apparently they have murder mystery dinners there. Definitely want to go to one of those!!!!
After lunch at the haunted mansion, we went antiquing for a few hours. Man, we found some crazy things. Some really cool things, and some really really ugly things. Ha ha. But it was really hot outside so decided to call it a day, especially since a lot of the shops were closed. Went to go get ice cream in town, but the Ben and Jerry's in town went out of business. Someone please tell me how an ice cream place goes out of business. I admit not everyone has those baby cravings, but come on its summer time and ice cream, its like me and my right thumb, can't have one with out the other, or it just hurts!
July 20, 2010
Our first doctors appointment for baby is coming up soon!!! Next week we can finally get in to be seen by a doctor. Hopefully we will be able to hear a heartbeat. :) We're both really excited, hopefully Chris doesn't have to work that day so he can go too! And then in a few more weeks we can tell everyone if we're having a boy or girl. Ahhhhh!!! All this excitement to deal with, I don't know what I'm going to do!
July 19, 2010
Last Weeks in the Sweat!
Time for some disney!!!! I have been really craving watching disney movies lately. I'm thinking today is good rainy day for Sleeping Beauty or maybe even Pocahontas!!! I never liked Pocahontas as a kid, I don't even know if I've ever seen it all the way through, but Chris says its awesome, mostly because he was in the play as a kid. He was in many plays as a kid. Story time anyone???
My other mommy, Chris' mom, loves to tell this story, but my lacking qualities will have to do for this purpose. Ha ha. When Chris was a lot younger, we're talking 6 or 7, he was in the play Aladdin, and he was super stoked about it! I mean what kid wouldn't be, Aladdin is by far my favorite Disney movie. Well when it came to casting, Chris got the lead role of Aladdin, and you would think he would be so excited, best part ever! Right? NOPE! He was devastated that he didn't get the part of Raja, the big kitty. :) Thats my husband for you, full of unexpected, EVERYTHING!
So now for some news on whats going on in our lives in St. Louis. Well for one, its been a long feat, but we finally have our first doctors appointment for baby set up for next week! We're super excited, frustrated that its taken so much. Chris parents are also leaving next week for Florida for a week, so it will just be the 2 of us in this big house for a whole week. Kinda scary. I guess we have the 2 dogs as well, but they're no bigger than a footstool. :)
I really hope that next week we can make it up to Nauvoo to see the Pageant, we had a lot of fun going last year and hopefully we'll be able to do the same this year. Our plan was just to take a day trip and see all that we can see. We'll see how far we get!
Its been a great summer in St. Louis for us and sadly I'm looking forward to its end to get back home. I miss it a lot and we're both excited to go back! See a lot of friends, and get situated back in our apartment, rearranging from Chris and Amanda's sublet over the summer, and stalking up on food. :)
We love all of friends and our wonderful family that support us every single day!
My other mommy, Chris' mom, loves to tell this story, but my lacking qualities will have to do for this purpose. Ha ha. When Chris was a lot younger, we're talking 6 or 7, he was in the play Aladdin, and he was super stoked about it! I mean what kid wouldn't be, Aladdin is by far my favorite Disney movie. Well when it came to casting, Chris got the lead role of Aladdin, and you would think he would be so excited, best part ever! Right? NOPE! He was devastated that he didn't get the part of Raja, the big kitty. :) Thats my husband for you, full of unexpected, EVERYTHING!
So now for some news on whats going on in our lives in St. Louis. Well for one, its been a long feat, but we finally have our first doctors appointment for baby set up for next week! We're super excited, frustrated that its taken so much. Chris parents are also leaving next week for Florida for a week, so it will just be the 2 of us in this big house for a whole week. Kinda scary. I guess we have the 2 dogs as well, but they're no bigger than a footstool. :)
I really hope that next week we can make it up to Nauvoo to see the Pageant, we had a lot of fun going last year and hopefully we'll be able to do the same this year. Our plan was just to take a day trip and see all that we can see. We'll see how far we get!
Its been a great summer in St. Louis for us and sadly I'm looking forward to its end to get back home. I miss it a lot and we're both excited to go back! See a lot of friends, and get situated back in our apartment, rearranging from Chris and Amanda's sublet over the summer, and stalking up on food. :)
We love all of friends and our wonderful family that support us every single day!
July 13, 2010
Lazy Days in Missouri!
So here we are, settled into Chris' parent's home in Chesterfield, MO. This is Chris speaking, my first attempt at blogging, so you'll have to excuse my lack of general knowledge as to how to do this. I'll still try to speak in third person though, to eliminate confusion for those who can't keep up with the fact that I'm writing it.
Anyway, We're here in Missouri. Sadie is keeping busy around the house, and trying to take it easy to keep from getting sick. She's over most of the morning sickness now, but waves will still hit her. At least now she feels well enough to get out of the bedroom consistently and go do things out and about. This makes life nicer for everyone, because now the family is starting to feel complete again at the dinner table.
Chris has been keeping busy with work at Sam's Club. He's a cell phone salesman, to put it simply. He's becoming quite proficient at activations and upgrades, though there is always the customers who want to do something really difficult, or just don't understand the fact that the things they want are just not obtainable. He's hoping to transfer to the Sam's in Idaho Falls when He and Sadie move back to Rexburg for school.
Sadie is hoping to throw another Scentsy party soon, because she really enjoys throwing them, and feels like a party in this area would be extremely successful. It would be nice to have a few extra dollars in the bank, what with the baby on the way and all.
We're still in the dark as to gender of the baby, but upon our arrival back in Idaho, we should be able to find that out. Very exciting. Anyone who reads this would be more than welcome to throw a baby shower for Sadie and the new arrival. :) The more the better!
June 16, 2010
What can you say to that??? That one statement covers everything. We are so excited for the next couple of months!!! We're due on January 13, 2011, and about 10 weeks along right now. You pray for something for such a long time and it happens, and it seems so wonderful and sudden you have no idea what to think next. That's us! My brain feels like a dog chasing its tail, its so odd to explain.
So the best and worst things about a baby on the way at this point, best part, being able to share the news and excitement with everyone you love! Worst part, for me anyways, it would have to be that cold hearted morning sickness. Hate it like the plague. No one ever tells you it comes and goes as it pleases and that it can last all and I mean all day long. A little warning would have been nice. I hear that it does go away after the first trimester, I am having a party that day!! And everyones invited. Haha. I'm sure Chris will be glad when that part is over too. He does not enjoy the morning sickness at all. On my good days, I'm ok, I'm making it through the day, and on my bad days, boy are they ever bad, sometimes I just never roll out of bed, fearing the bathroom.
We're excited for the rest of the pregnancy, doctors appointments, we have our first ultrasound appointment in a few weeks, YES! Looking forward to shopping for baby, going through and registering, baby showers, EVERYTHING! I haven't had a lot of the cravings yet, but I'm sure they're on there way. Made my husband go get corn dogs today, I never liked the things before now. Had a real craving for Watermelon and Sour Candies this week, of course Ice Cream, the regular kind, you know with out the pickles. That just sounds gross. The only truly odd thing has been peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, weird, weird, weird everyone keeps telling me, but they are amazing! This week the only thing I can seem to keep down is peanut butter and honey sandwiches, does this change from week to week? I hope so, I'm ready for something new.
And some news I know everyone eants to hear, well its not here yet, but it will be! Chris and I have decided to know ahead of time whether we'll be having a boy or girl, please pray for no twins. :) We'll know by the end of the summer whether it will be a boy or a girl and be finishing up our registry at that point and getting it up for everyone to see.
We'll keep you posted!!
June 07, 2010
Loving Missouri!!
We've been in St. Louis for a few weeks now and we've been loving it. The weather has been amazing, it been really cloudy lately, but that just means it doesnt get as humid, which we think is awesome! I found work our first or second week here and have been working like crazy. Chris on the other hand has not. And why is he not updating our blog.....uhmmm....great question. Totally stumped on that one.
I started working at Subway when we first got here, I was a total shoe-in. I called a day or so after turning in applications, talked to the Manager, went in the next day for an interview, and asked when I could start. I started the next day. And have been working at least 40-hour weeks ever since. I really like the people I work with, although some of them are really lazy. Its great!!!
And Chris had frantically been looking for work with no results and just getting more and more frustrated by the day. He finally got a job last week. Working for Sam's Club!!! He works in the wireless department, I know, so him, right? He loves it and gets paid extremely well for it!
May 11, 2010
Today has been such a great day!!! I was sick last night, with not a lot of great hopes for today, but it turned out to be a beautiful day! I woke up to breakfast in bed provided by my wonderful husband. He's the best! He even made me the famous Mickey Mouse pancake. So cute, a little burnt, but that's how I like it. Haha.
I had a very mellow and serene morning spent with my hubby!! Chris left later in the morning to get some work done. The Missouri Freeman's have an interior decorator to make there house purdy and hired Chris for the day to help move columns. It sounded like a lot of heavy lifting. Poor guy. :) He came home and we both had interviews for jobs today. We had an interview at Olive Garden and Chris had an interview at Lenscrafters. The interview at Olive Garden, I don't think it could have possibly went better. We feel so great about that interview. The hiring manager was amazing and seemed to love us and they're hiring 3 servers, which is great for us, so we'll know by Thursday if we got the job. Keeping our fingers crossed and praying like crazy!
The Lenscrafters interview did not go as well. They pretty much told Chris that they wouldn't hire him. Poor guy. They said that they would need at least 6 months to teach him everything that he would need to know for the position, sadly we will only be here for less than 3 months now. But we have Olive Garden, hopefully!
So while Chris was in at Lenscrafters, I decided I wanted to tour around the mall we were in. I went to one store and ordered an anniversary present since our 1 year anniversary is just over a month away!!! I can't believe it! Time just flies by. I also went to Borders and bought a new cookbook and a Birthday Present for Chris. 1 out of the 3 presents I am working on for him. So 2 down now! Borders is having this great sale! got to books and spent less than $10!!! Awesome!
I also bought Chris' big expensive Birthday present online this morning. Why are boys so expensive??? Luckily we're not paying for anything else right now. :)
Happy Mother's Day!!!
So I have been a horrible blogger since we left Rexburg! Ack! But thats ok. I'm going to tell everyone about our wonderful Mother's Day in Missouri. I got to sleep in, yes! I have been doing a lot of that since we've been here, I can't get to sleep until way late and find myself waking up around 9 every morning, sometimes earlier at about 6. No middle ground. :)
Well this very special Mother's Day, I was able to sleep in and come downstairs to a breakfast that was prepared by all of the boys, wonderful breakfast. I'm sure glad that breakfast is there thing and not mine. It makes coming down to breakfast and breakfast in bed so much better!!! So we has yummy yummy crepes and everything to go with it! My absolutly wonderful mommy-in-law and I had some Mother's day thing to open. I had a card from my hubby, so sweet! She had a few cards, and Chris and I got her this digital steamer, it looked really cool and she had been talking all that week about this electric steamer that she had had when they were in England, needless to say, SHE LOVED IT! I hope anyways, if she doesn't like it, I will gladly take it home.
We All went to church together. For lots of candy and cupcakes in Relief Society. It was great! And Terri gave the lesson, every time we're here and she gives a lesson, I always learn so much more about her that I would never get the chance to even wonder. She is truly amazing! I know that I married into one of the best families possible. I love them!
We came home after Chuch and Chris helped me make some mini carrot cakes for his mommy, I changed the recipe a little bit, but they were so good. (I'll post the recipe on my recipe page later on this week!)
We all had steak for dinner, I have to admit I was a little worried because when it comes to steak I am a little biased and tend not to like anyone's steak other than my Dad's. But I have to say, it was very scrumptious! Sorry dad...
But then again it is....
April 13, 2010
Maple Valley Week!!!
Writing in my blog as my mom looks at me with unbelieving eyes. Things happen when you move to a small town called Rexburg, you get crafty, start cooking great meals for your family, fill your house to make it feel like a home away from home, make new friends, and yes, starting a blog!!!!
This week has just been one crazy week! We started off by cleaning our house before we left Rexburg and packing everything for the summer so we wouldn't have to go back next week and do it then right before Amanda and Chris' wedding! I still can't believe they're getting married in a couple weeks! It was a lot of work with Chris doing finals! We left on Wednesday for Maple Valley to spend some time with my familt before the summer starts. We stopped in Ellensburg to see Chris' best friend, Jared. We hadn't seen him in such a long time, it was really nice! I love how Chris and Jared want to kill eachother constantly. Haha. Chris went out to the Car to get a hard drive for Jared and he comes back to Jared shooting him with this machine air soft gun. I really do love my husband, I promise.
We did finally make it home, but not until around midnight. One long day. Especially since we woke up at 6 that morning to go donate plasma. :)
It has been so nice this week to hang out with my family and to not really make any plans. Very relaxing! Chris and I went out on Thursday and test drove cars! It was a lot of funn, we went to downtown Renton to the Toyota, and Nissan dealerships. I have been set on a Toyota 4 Runner for the longest time and what do you think we absolutely feel in love with? NOT THE 4 RUNNER! I was surprised, but we really liked the Nissan Pathfinder! It was so nice. So this summer, we will be saving mega bucks! :)
And on Saturday Chris left for St. Louis for the week to take care of Josh and Bandit while his parents go on their anniversary cruise. They went on one of the Eastern Caribbean cruises, I think. I hope they have a great time!!!
April 04, 2010
Easter in Rexburg!!
For our last weekend in Rexburg, it has been so much fun!!! We had the Cornelius' over last night after General Conference, to do Easter eggs and watch the new greatest movie, Sherlocke Holmes!! Funny story, before we got to the dying of the Easter eggs, we had to hard boil the eggs, OF COURSE! But in my husbands family, they don't do that. They just dye regular eggs. WEIRD!!!
Chris' first attempt to hard boil eggs was a total bust. I don't think he boiled them long enough, so they weren't quite done, but of course we didn't even think about it. I accidentally dropped one of the eggs after taking it out of being dyed. OOPS! So I drop this egg on the table and this white gooieness plopped out. It was really gross actually, but funny. We finished dying the eggs and I headed to the store for some more edible eggs. :)
So today, I boiled the eggs and so good!!! We decorated some more eggs, and tried a couple new things. One thing we did with the eggs last night was drizzle rubber cement over them. This coats and seals that portion of the egg so when you go to dye it it doesn't get colored. Very cool effect!!! We also made some blown eggs this morning. Those are still a work in progress. Haven't figured out how to decorate them yet.
And for tonight we will have people over for a dinner party....Yay for Spaghetti! And of course games!!! It shall be a great night!
April 02, 2010
Our FIRST blog EVER!!!
This is our first blog that we have ever had and boy are we excited! Excited to tell everyone about our lives!!! Chris and I have almost been married for a year now, how weird is that!
Chris and I got hitched June 27, 2009 in the Las Vegas Temple where Chris served his mission. We spent a week in Las Vegas for our honeymoon and spent another week in a beach house in North Carolina with Chris' family. We came back home to Seattle to have a reception and spent the rest of our summer in St. Louis with my wonderful new family!!!
We are now living in Rexburg, Idaho, soon to be leaving to spend another summer in St. Louis! We love it here in Rexburg, but we've never had such a case of cabin fever in our lives! Rexburg is a very small town with the closest city being almost an hour away. Thank goodness for wonderful friends. :)
Chris is about halfway through school to get his bachelor's in Business Management and I start going to school for a degree in Elementary Education in September. :) Life is great and we're enjoying every minute of it especially when we have the pleasure to spend most of it with friends and the family that we love!!!
Chris and I got hitched June 27, 2009 in the Las Vegas Temple where Chris served his mission. We spent a week in Las Vegas for our honeymoon and spent another week in a beach house in North Carolina with Chris' family. We came back home to Seattle to have a reception and spent the rest of our summer in St. Louis with my wonderful new family!!!
We are now living in Rexburg, Idaho, soon to be leaving to spend another summer in St. Louis! We love it here in Rexburg, but we've never had such a case of cabin fever in our lives! Rexburg is a very small town with the closest city being almost an hour away. Thank goodness for wonderful friends. :)
Chris is about halfway through school to get his bachelor's in Business Management and I start going to school for a degree in Elementary Education in September. :) Life is great and we're enjoying every minute of it especially when we have the pleasure to spend most of it with friends and the family that we love!!!
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