Time for some disney!!!! I have been really craving watching disney movies lately. I'm thinking today is good rainy day for Sleeping Beauty or maybe even Pocahontas!!! I never liked Pocahontas as a kid, I don't even know if I've ever seen it all the way through, but Chris says its awesome, mostly because he was in the play as a kid. He was in many plays as a kid. Story time anyone???
My other mommy, Chris' mom, loves to tell this story, but my lacking qualities will have to do for this purpose. Ha ha. When Chris was a lot younger, we're talking 6 or 7, he was in the play Aladdin, and he was super stoked about it! I mean what kid wouldn't be, Aladdin is by far my favorite Disney movie. Well when it came to casting, Chris got the lead role of Aladdin, and you would think he would be so excited, best part ever! Right? NOPE! He was devastated that he didn't get the part of Raja, the big kitty. :) Thats my husband for you, full of unexpected, EVERYTHING!
So now for some news on whats going on in our lives in St. Louis. Well for one, its been a long feat, but we finally have our first doctors appointment for baby set up for next week! We're super excited, frustrated that its taken so much. Chris parents are also leaving next week for Florida for a week, so it will just be the 2 of us in this big house for a whole week. Kinda scary. I guess we have the 2 dogs as well, but they're no bigger than a footstool. :)
I really hope that next week we can make it up to Nauvoo to see the Pageant, we had a lot of fun going last year and hopefully we'll be able to do the same this year. Our plan was just to take a day trip and see all that we can see. We'll see how far we get!
Its been a great summer in St. Louis for us and sadly I'm looking forward to its end to get back home. I miss it a lot and we're both excited to go back! See a lot of friends, and get situated back in our apartment, rearranging from Chris and Amanda's sublet over the summer, and stalking up on food. :)
We love all of friends and our wonderful family that support us every single day!
I want to hear how your appt goes! That's super exciting!!