This is the second time that I have tried potty training with Brenden and let me begin my story with the first time we tried. Absolutely Horrible!!! Okay, probably not as bad as other mother's experiences. But in my mind with an unwilling toddler and a teething baby girl at the time, I was totally exhausted and it seemed horrible to me. I decided shortly after Brenden's second birthday that he might be ready for potty training. He had been showing interest in his potty for a few months, wasn't liking diapers, and would ask to go every now and again. I was psyched! I thought he was so ready, and so we did it. I woke up one morning and decided that that was going to be the day. Brenden did great! He went to the potty every 30 minutes and would try to go potty. Only had a few set backs. Then the next day came and he just refused to use the potty. What in the world is going on? This happened for two days and I was so frustrated and angry. Needless to say potty training came to an abrupt halt with both Brenden and I crying in frustration.
I gave potty training a break for a few weeks until I started hearing all of these great potty training stories. Women online training their babies, all of these pinterest boards on potty training, and mom's in our play group potty training and having some great success. I thought, well lets give it a week, prepare as much as I can and start over with potty training. I did a ton of research into different methods of potty training, pinned over 30 different pins on potty training, spoke to many different mom's on what they found to be successful, and helped Brenden pick out his own underwear! I downloaded a few different potty training videos for Brenden to watch, introduced him to a new potty chair, taught him some ASL signs for potty training, and gave him lots of encouragement.
The morning of potty training arrived and I was pumped! I was ready to start potty training again, realizing that it wasn't going to happen in a day, even some places on the web say that it's possible. I'm sure it is, but I wasn't to sure about it. Day 1 consisted of printing out a potty chart, putting on an apron that had pockets for my phone for potty time videos, candy for going potty, and a timer I would set for 15 minutes intervals. The first day was amazing. I had no idea where this boy was coming from. Brenden would go to the potty every 15 minutes and then every 2 minutes for a while and only had 1 accident all day long. It was a horrible accident. We were downstairs after breakfast and drinking milk. Brenden had just told me that he didn't have to go potty. Not 5 minutes later I hear Brenden screaming. He had had an accident in his new underwear on the hardwood floors and had slipped and fell in his puddle. I know a little too much on the disgusting details, but this will be great for when Brenden starts dating. ;)
Day 2 was great, hardly any accidents. Granted we weren't potty training all day long. We would train from the time Brenden woke up at 8 in the morning until about 2 in the afternoon for nap time. Brenden didn't want to potty train after his nap for the first couple of days, and I didn't want to force it and turn him off to the whole idea again. So I was okay for potty training for a few hours a day, it gave me a breather as well. Potty training is exhausting. After that second day, Brenden was okay with potty training all day long. He didn't want to wear diapers anymore. Yay! Thursday was Brenden's first day of being totally accident free and I was so excited. Even during nap time. I had been diapering him up during nap time and leaving his potty chair in with him and so he took his diaper off during nap time and went in the potty, no accidents. Sure, everyday isn't accident free, we're still working on it, but he is doing extremely well. I'm so proud of my big boy!
One thing I'm working on is potty training while playing. Brenden doesn't like to go potty when we're playing downstairs and that's when Brenden typically has accidents which he doesn't like at all. I feel bad for the poor boy. He just screams and cries when he has an accident. Not a good feeling at all. I don't scold him or anything after having an accident. We actually watch the accident video made by signing time. I think it's a great little video for accidents. Their whole line for potty training is pretty great. Brenden is learning the sign for accident, he knows, potty, flush, clean, wipe, wash, candy, and sticker.
I just have to brag and say how proud I am of Brenden and how much I love my sweet little boy. He is doing so well with this potty training and I am so impressed. I never thought in a million years that my little two year old little boy would go from loving diapers to being almost accident free in a matter of days and loving it. Brenden loves potty training! He loves going potty and loves the attention he gets. He loves the stickers. And we use gummy bears for potty time treats. He loves those too. Gosh, I am just overwhelmed with excitement and love. I am just proud of Brenden!!
Potty Training can be a great success and a wonderful bonding experience when you totally let go. Now if I can only remember this on the heavy accident days and when I decide Aria might be ready.
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