Tuesday, Chris and I were super busy all day long. It was his day off for the week and he donated plasma, took care of our precious kids, doing laundry, and of course decorating out trunk for the trunk or treat. It was about an hour before the dinner for the trunk or treat when I realized we still hadn't decorated our trunk and we still had to go pick up laundry. Ahhhh!!! Time to freak out just a little bit. Well, Chris decided that he would go pick up the laundry while I took care of the kids. While he was gone, Brenden wanted some quiet time to read some books and Aria had fallen asleep. I figured Chris would be home any minute so I would head down and get started on decorating for the trunk or treat. I started by putting down the back seats, i had to get into the trunk of our big Expedition to do so, there was a blanket in the way not letting me put the seats down all of the way. Got the blanket out, moved around the sub woofers, and I started to climb out. Leave it to my clumsy self to get the toe of my shoe stuck between the tailgate and the hitch. Seriously? Obviously, I fell out, catching myself on my knees and my left hand. Ouch! I was just so numb and shaky and in pain that I just sat there for a few minutes until Chris got home and I still couldn't manage to get up. I haven't been able to use anything on my left arm from my wrist all the way up to my shoulder all week long. Talk about rough! With two little ones none the less. I wore an arm sling for the first couple of days, but with most of the injury to my elbow and wrist, it didn't help me a whole lot. I'm thankful I still had the pain meds that my doctor send me home with after having a baby.
My nasty bruises. I surprisingly can still do a whole lot. I can still use one arm and as long as I don't have to kneel down on my knees, I do pretty well. We've just had a lot of pajama days this week!
Oh poor bruises :)