Brenden James was born on February 3, 2011 at 5:24 p.m. Weighing in at 7 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. I think he is absolutely perfect! He had such a hard time getting here. First off, he was just late, which for Chris and I was really frustrating. Especially with everyone else, mostly due after us were just popping out their babies left and right. But he is finally here and we are so excited. So now for the story!
Brenden's Birth Story.
The night of February 2nd, I was having some contractions and they were about 6 minutes apart so Chris and I decided to go to the indoor track and do some walking. We didn't walk for very long, maybe 30 minutes. I was having to stop pretty frequently. So we went home and decided to play some Wii bowling. Not any regular bowling, but the 100-pin bowling. So we were timing contractions, I was sitting on the birth ball and bowling. And the contractions kept getting closer and closer together. When they were about 4 minutes apart we decided to go to the hospital. This is right before midnight. We get there and they're looking at contractions, they're there, they're just looking a little inconsistent. And I was only dilated to a 3. So they told us it would be better for us to go home, that I would be more comfortable, take a bath, and be able to sleep. Chris and I went home and through the course of about 5 hours I took 4 baths and pretty much no sleep. The contractions were just too uncomfortable.
Around 6 in the morning I told Chris it was time and that we should go back to the hospital. And of course with all of our hospital visits that were false alarms he was quite hesitant. He called and told the nurses that the contractions were now consistently about 2-3 minutes apart and they told us to come in. While we were in the exam room waiting Chris was freaking out. He would have been so upset if we weren't any further dilated. Well I got checked and was dilated to a 6. Woo Hoo!
No one tells you that you can be dilated at a 6 for 7 hours though. Thank you. It wasn't too bad, it was just unnerving and uncomfortable to know I was that far along and to still be waiting and not progressing. They put me in the tub, made me walk, put me on the birth ball and gave it some time and absolutely nothing was happening. So around noon they decided to break my water. It didn't hurt like I thought it would. It was just an odd experience. They weren't sure that they had actually broken my water because I didn't have a whole lot of fluid. Turns out they did break my water.
The breaking of the water didn't really help to progress anything. Dang it! So around 2 they gave me some pitocin which is the drug they use to induce labor. And also some IV pain medication. Never again. That stuff made so loopy for the next couple of hours. There is not much I remember. I dilated a whole 2 centimeters in the next hour or so.
Around 4 or 430 they gave me to epidural. Didn't hurt at all. Granted at this point the contractions were so close together I was going through one the whole time it was being administered so I was kind of focused on that. After that. I continued to push for the next hour until Brenden was born at 5:24. Way too much pushing for me. I was hoping to push for may 30 minutes. No such luck.
Brenden came out and we had to cut his umbilical cord right away. He was dangerously blue. His cord was in a knot. For some reason they call it a true knot. It was about 4 inches away from his belly button so he just wasn't getting any oxygen. After Chris cut the cord they took him over to the table to get him breathing and clean him off. I remember looking down at my bloody gown. He was just covered in it. Normal right? I'm pretty sure.
After the initial scare of my child coming out blue everything went great! I got to eat and rinse off in the shower. It was great.
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