So far an update on the last few months, since I am a horrible blogger and haven't blogged in a while. What can I say, life keeps me busy, and there isn't even a baby to preoccupy my time yet. We have been in and out of doctors offices and the hospital for the last month, not because anything is really wrong, but mostly because I have no idea what's going on with this baby and my body. It's a little frustrating honestly.
The first time we went in the hospital, we were at 36 weeks since they decided to change our due date on us from January 12 to January 29. Kind of lame if you ask me. I was in labor, well I wasn't sure if I was or not. Chris and I were at Sam's Club doing some of our grocery shopping done before he had to start working. Well I started having these pains a lot like braxton hicks, but they were way way to frequent just to be braxton hicks and they just weren't easing up no matter what I did. Later on that night, they were just getting super close together so we decided to go to the hospital just in case something was wrong. Well I was in labor, but they decided that we needed to stop it because only being 36 weeks they said they would have to send him to the NICU and we really didn't want that. So they gave me some drugs to stop the labor. DANG IT!
And after this point, every day being pregnancy started to seem like an eternity, even though it wasn't. I just felt like everyone that was due after us was having their babies and I was just stuck being uncomfortable and just feeling gross. It was so frustrating.
I think it was the next week we had an appointment with the midwives and they did the regular checking on heart rate of the baby and all that good stuff. And he hadn't really been moving around a lot so they wanted to hook me up to this machine that monitors the babies heart rate and contractions. The most annoying machine ever. Every time you move or really anything it messes with the machine and it has to be readjusted. Really dumb. Well the variation in his heart rate was good, there just weren't a lot of spikes like they were hoping for so they sent us to the hospital to be monitored. LAME! So we went to the hospital and he was fine once I had some apple juice there. I think the cold juice just woke him up. He's just not very active in the day, he's always super awake at night though.
This week has been particularly crazy. This last Friday I was having contractions, so we went in, and of course we had to go to the hospital because by the time they were getting close together, the doctors office was closed. So we go to the hospital and back to being hooked up to that dreaded machine. Yes, contractions are there, but they were't too intense and I was only dilated to a 2. But I was 80% effaced. Greatest news ever! So were sent home. It was ok, I was super duper tired. So we did some walking and hung out a little bit and went to bed.
And this week we had to go back to the hospital because I thought my water broke. False Alarm! Kind of. My water hadn't broken, but I was leaking fluid. So they said just to keep an eye on that and any contractions.
Today we had another appointment with the midwives. We really love Helene, in my opinion she is by far the best! We went in to find out that I had dilated another centimeter. Great news! And they set up an induction date for Tuesday since next Friday is the last possible day to get this baby out! I'm just hoping that he decides to come before that. It would be a blessing not to have to be induced.
I have another appointment with them on Friday for an ultrasound and non stress test to make sure I can actually make it through the weekend. They just want to make sure there will be enough fluid to support that baby of ours, if not they will induce on Friday. I would really be ok with that, but I'm hoping to wait for the induction as long as I possibly can.
So this is our life for the past few weeks, hopefully Brenden will come soon.