One of the greatest things a Father can do for his Children is to love their Mother.
December 04, 2012
November 15, 2012
Something Learned
I have been watching a few talk shows since the elections. Mostly just the one that Katie Couric does. She touches on a lot of topics that are in the news and really digs into them. I was watching the other day and there was an actress on there that does the biggest loser and she is also a mother. She was asked, how do you do it all. And what she said just really hit home with me and it was just so wonderful. She said that there wasn't one day that passed where she thought that she was perfect at every single one of her jobs. If she's super mom, her acting suffers a little and vice versa. But she also said there wasn't ever more than one day where she felt as though she was failing as a mother. And it was so wonderful to hear something like that. I can relate to that.
Brenden and Aria are great and I love them to pieces. I don't feel like super mom every day, heck its rare that I do feel like super mom, but every once in awhile its good to feel that way. Most days I feel as though I have taken good care of my kids, but my house is trashed and that's okay. Some days my house is spotless, but my kids are driving me nuts, and I don't feel like the best mommy. And then I have those days where my husband is home and I feel relaxed and I can do it all! Sure I have days where I feel like a bad mean mommy, but the next day is always so much more awesome and I'm so grateful that my eyes have been opened and I can see these things and feel so great about myself.
I'm not always perfect, but I'm always striving for perfection!