So much has been going on in the last almost 2 months. I am a horrible blogger since we've been back to Rexburg. When we first got back it took so much time to get our home back in order, from all the cleaning, grocery shopping, putting all of our stuff back together after subletting for the summer. It was a lot of work and I have to say its still really not completely done. Especially with a baby on the way and trying to prepare for that also. Work, work, work!
Chris transferred from the Sam's Club in St. Louis to the one in Idaho Falls, which is wonderful. Trying to save as much money as we can. He loves it, he works in the wireless department, but he also works in electronics and jewelry when they need it. He just got cross trained in jewelry this week, and I'm pretty sure he is doing great at it!
While Chris is at work, I have been cleaning and working on a lot of projects. I've made a blessing blanket, 2 maternity skirts, and a fabulous quilt so far. Its been a lot of fun. I'll have to pot pictures once I take some. I have to say that most Christmas presents this year will probably be homemade. :D
I have to say, I love my mom! She has been so great! I remember when Chris and I first got married everytime I would call her, "Am I gonna be a grandma yet?" Never failed, and as soon as she gave up and stopped asking, it happened. It makes me laugh. I call her everytime I don't understand something about pregnancy or think something is maybe a little weird. From morning sickness to what should I eat to all these cool baby crafts to Ack! I'm not showing yet, she has been so amazing and I love her! This weekend after General Conference on Saturday she's throwing me a baby shower. I get to see my wonderful family, it'll be great! I don't really know anything about it other than its on Saturday at 3. Haha. I think it'll be a lot of fun. I'm excited.
And then I think, Wow! Am I really so far along to having baby showers. Wow! So real and so cool! You read these pregnancy books and they're usually week by week and they'll tell you what your baby looks like and how its developing. Its so amazing. So hard to even comprehend how amazing life really is. 25 weeks along on Wednesday! Thats so weird to me still. I'm going to be the woman delivering a baby still in shock that its really happening. Haha. And after this semester its going to be right there. Wow!