June 16, 2010


What can you say to that??? That one statement covers everything. We are so excited for the next couple of months!!! We're due on January 13, 2011, and about 10 weeks along right now. You pray for something for such a long time and it happens, and it seems so wonderful and sudden you have no idea what to think next. That's us! My brain feels like a dog chasing its tail, its so odd to explain.
So the best and worst things about a baby on the way at this point, best part, being able to share the news and excitement with everyone you love! Worst part, for me anyways, it would have to be that cold hearted morning sickness. Hate it like the plague. No one ever tells you it comes and goes as it pleases and that it can last all and I mean all day long. A little warning would have been nice. I hear that it does go away after the first trimester, I am having a party that day!! And everyones invited. Haha. I'm sure Chris will be glad when that part is over too. He does not enjoy the morning sickness at all. On my good days, I'm ok, I'm making it through the day, and on my bad days, boy are they ever bad, sometimes I just never roll out of bed, fearing the bathroom.
We're excited for the rest of the pregnancy, doctors appointments, we have our first ultrasound appointment in a few weeks, YES! Looking forward to shopping for baby, going through and registering, baby showers, EVERYTHING! I haven't had a lot of the cravings yet, but I'm sure they're on there way. Made my husband go get corn dogs today, I never liked the things before now. Had a real craving for Watermelon and Sour Candies this week, of course Ice Cream, the regular kind, you know with out the pickles. That just sounds gross. The only truly odd thing has been peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, weird, weird, weird everyone keeps telling me, but they are amazing! This week the only thing I can seem to keep down is peanut butter and honey sandwiches, does this change from week to week? I hope so, I'm ready for something new.
 And some news I know everyone eants to hear, well its not here yet, but it will be! Chris and I have decided to know ahead of time whether we'll be having a boy or girl, please pray for no twins. :) We'll know by the end of the summer whether it will be a boy or a girl and be finishing up our registry at that point and getting it up for everyone to see.
 We'll keep you posted!!

June 07, 2010

Loving Missouri!!

We've been in St. Louis for a few weeks now and we've been loving it. The weather has been amazing, it been really cloudy lately, but that just means it doesnt get as humid, which we think is awesome! I found work our first or second week here and have been working like crazy. Chris on the other hand has not. And why is he not updating our blog.....uhmmm....great question. Totally stumped on that one. 

I started working at Subway when we first got here, I was a total shoe-in. I called a day or so after turning in applications, talked to the Manager, went in the next day for an interview, and asked when I could start. I started the next day. And have been working at least 40-hour weeks ever since. I really like the people I work with, although some of them are really lazy. Its great!!!

And Chris had frantically been looking for work with no results and just getting more and more frustrated by the day. He finally got a job last week. Working for Sam's Club!!! He works in the wireless department, I know, so him, right? He loves it and gets paid extremely well for it!

We've really been enjoying our time with the Missouri Freeman's and trying to save money at the same time. My in-laws are the best and I would never trade them for anything.I'm a little biased and love my mother-in-law the most! She has been so great to me this past year, and it would have been hard to have done a lot of things with out her. She is a true blessing in our lives, they all are and we're so thankful for them, and this summer, being able to spend it with them!